React = require 'react' {Actions, AccountStore} = require("nylas-exports") {RetinaImg} = require('nylas-component-kit') crypto = require 'crypto' classNames = require 'classnames' class AccountSwitcher extends React.Component @displayName: 'AccountSwitcher' @containerRequired: false @containerStyles: minWidth: 64 maxWidth: 64 constructor: (@props) -> @state = @_getStateFromStores() componentDidMount: => @unsubscribers = [] @unsubscribers.push AccountStore.listen @_onStoreChange # It's important that every React class explicitly stops listening to # atom events before it unmounts. Thank you event-kit # This can be fixed via a Reflux mixin componentWillUnmount: => unsubscribe() for unsubscribe in @unsubscribers render: => if @state.accounts.length is 0 return
_accounts: => return (account) => hash = account.emailAddress.trim().toLowerCase() hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(hash, 'utf8').digest('hex') classnames = classNames 'account': true 'active': account is @state.account
@_onSwitchAccount(account) }>
_onStoreChange: => @setState @_getStateFromStores() _onSwitchAccount: (account) => Actions.selectAccountId( _getStateFromStores: => accounts: AccountStore.items() account: AccountStore.current() module.exports = AccountSwitcher