_ = require 'underscore-plus' React = require 'react' {ListTabular, Spinner} = require 'ui-components' {timestamp, subject} = require './formatting-utils' {Actions, Utils, Thread, WorkspaceStore, FocusedThreadStore, NamespaceStore} = require 'inbox-exports' ThreadStore = require './thread-store' ThreadListParticipants = require './thread-list-participants' module.exports = ThreadList = React.createClass displayName: 'ThreadList' getInitialState: -> @_getStateFromStores() componentWillMount: -> @_prepareColumns() componentDidMount: -> @thread_store_unsubscribe = ThreadStore.listen @_onChange @focus_store_unsubscribe = FocusedThreadStore.listen @_onChange @body_unsubscriber = atom.commands.add 'body', { 'application:previous-item': => @_onShiftFocus(-1) 'application:next-item': => @_onShiftFocus(1) 'application:focus-item': => @_onFocus() 'application:remove-item': -> Actions.archiveCurrentThread() 'application:remove-and-previous': -> Actions.archiveAndPrevious() 'application:remove-and-next': -> Actions.archiveAndNext() 'application:reply': @_onReply 'application:reply-all': @_onReplyAll 'application:forward': @_onForward } componentWillUnmount: -> @focus_store_unsubscribe() @thread_store_unsubscribe() @body_unsubscriber.dispose() render: -> # IMPORTANT: DO NOT pass inline functions as props. _.isEqual thinks these # are "different", and will re-render everything. Instead, declare them with ?=, # pass a reference. (Alternatively, ignore these in children's shouldComponentUpdate.) # # BAD: onSelect={ (item) -> Actions.focusThread(item) } # GOOD: onSelect={@_onSelectItem} # classes = React.addons.classSet("thread-list": true, "ready": @state.ready) @_itemClassProvider ?= (item) -> if item.isUnread() then 'unread' else '' @_itemOnSelect ?= (item) -> Actions.focusThread(item) if @state.dataView
_prepareColumns: -> labelComponents = (thread) => for label in @state.threadLabelComponents LabelComponent = label.view lastMessageType = (thread) -> myEmail = NamespaceStore.current()?.emailAddress msgs = thread.metadata return 'unknown' unless msgs and msgs instanceof Array and msgs.length > 0 msg = msgs[msgs.length - 1] if thread.unread return 'unread' else if msg.from[0].email isnt myEmail return 'other' else if Utils.isForwardedMessage(msg) return 'forwarded' else return 'replied' c1 = new ListTabular.Column name: "★" resolver: (thread) ->
c2 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Name" width: 200 resolver: (thread) -> c3 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Message" flex: 4 resolver: (thread) -> attachments = [] if thread.hasTagId('attachment') attachments =
{subject(thread.subject)} {thread.snippet} {attachments} c4 = new ListTabular.Column name: "Date" resolver: (thread) -> {timestamp(thread.lastMessageTimestamp)} @_columns = [c1, c2, c3, c4] _onFocus: -> item = @state.dataView.getById(@state.focusedId) Actions.focusThread(item) if item _onShiftFocus: (delta) -> index = @state.dataView.indexOfId(@state.focusedId) index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index + delta, @state.dataView.count() - 1)) Actions.focusThread(@state.dataView.get(index)) _onReply: -> return unless @state.focusedId? and @_actionInVisualScope() Actions.composeReply(threadId: @state.focusedId) _onReplyAll: -> return unless @state.focusedId? and @_actionInVisualScope() Actions.composeReplyAll(threadId: @state.focusedId) _onForward: -> return unless @state.focusedId? and @_actionInVisualScope() Actions.composeForward(threadId: @state.focusedId) _actionInVisualScope: -> if WorkspaceStore.selectedLayoutMode() is "list" WorkspaceStore.sheet().type is "Thread" else true # Message list rendering is more important than thread list rendering. # Since they're on the same event listner, and the event listeners are # unordered, we need a way to push thread list updates later back in the # queue. _onChange: -> _.delay => return unless @isMounted() @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) , 30 _getStateFromStores: -> dataView: ThreadStore.view() ready: ThreadStore.view()?.loaded() focusedId: FocusedThreadStore.threadId()