# Getting Started with Nylas Mail on Windows ## Dependencies 1. **Visual Studio 2013**: You must have Visual Studio 2013 installed to build Nylas Mail's native node modules. See the notes about Visual Studio below if you encounter compilation errors. You can install [Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition](https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/news/releasenotes/vs2013-community-vs) for free. 1. **Node**: You must have Node 6.x to run Nylas Mail's build script. Run `node -v` to check which version of NodeJS you are using. 1. **Python 2.7**: The `python` command must be on your `PATH` and must point to Python 2.7 (not 3.x) 1. **Git**: The `git` command must be on your `PATH` ## Building git clone https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail.git cd nylas-mail npm config set msvs_version 2013 --global script\bootstrap.cmd ## Running electron\electron.exe . --dev # Common Issues: While `script\bootstrap.cmd` is designed to work out of the box, it needs to compile native extensions with node-gyp. If `script\bootstrap.cmd` fails due to a compilation error, it is likely a Visual Studio configuration issue. ## Visual Studio There are several versions of Visual Studio. `node-gyp` is designed to detect the current version installed on your system. Nylas Mail only officially supports Visual Studio 2013. If you are using Visual Studio 2015, be sure you chose to install the C++ features in the Visual Studio installer. To ensure `node-gyp` uses Visual Studio 2013, run the following commands: ``` set GYP_MSVS_VERSION=2013 npm config set msvs_version 2013 --global ``` ## Node & NPM We only use your system's Node to bootstrap `apm`. Once we have `apm` installed, your system's Node no longer matters and we install remaining packages with `apm`. However, since bootstrapping this requires native extensions to be built, we need a version of `node` and `node-gyp` that is compatible with your current Visual Studio setup. There is a small chance that depending on where you setup Nylas Mail, you will get an error about file paths being too long. If this happens, you will need to manually install npm 3.x (npm 2.x comes shipped with most Node installations). Instead of running the whole `script\bootstrap.cmd` script to test this, you can `cd` into the `\build` folder, and from there run `npm install`. Only the `build\package.json` modules need your system's Node. ## Python The `python` executable must be on your `PATH`. Depending on how you installed Python, you may need to ensure the `python.exe` can be found.