_ = require 'underscore' s3 = require 's3' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' request = require 'request' Promise = require 'bluebird' module.exports = (grunt) -> {cp, spawn, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt) appName = -> grunt.config.get('atom.appName') dmgName = -> "#{appName().split('.')[0]}.dmg" zipName = -> "#{appName().split('.')[0]}.zip" defaultPublishPath = -> path.join(process.env.HOME, "Downloads") publishPath = -> process.env.PUBLISH_PATH ? defaultPublishPath() postToSlack = (msg) -> new Promise (resolve, reject) -> url = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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" request.post url: url json: username: "Edgehill Builds" text: msg , (err, httpResponse, body) -> if err then reject(err) else resolve() # Returns a properly bound s3obj prepareS3 = -> awsKey = process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ? "" awsSecret = process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ? "" if awsKey.length is 0 grunt.log.error "Please set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable" return false if awsSecret.length is 0 grunt.log.error "Please set the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable" return false s3Client = s3.createClient s3Options: accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID scretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY return s3Client uploadFile = (s3Client, localSource, destName) -> grunt.log.writeln ">> Uploading #{localSource} to S3…" write = grunt.log.writeln lastPc = 0 new Promise (resolve, reject) -> uploader = s3Client.uploadFile localFile: localSource s3Params: Key: destName ACL: "public-read" Bucket: "edgehill" uploader.on "error", (err) -> reject(err) uploader.on "progress", -> pc = Math.round(uploader.progressAmount / uploader.progressTotal * 100.0) if pc isnt lastPc lastPc = pc write(">> Uploading #{destName} #{pc}%") uploader.on "end", (data) -> resolve(data) getVersion = -> {version} = require(path.join(grunt.config.get('atom.appDir'), 'package.json')) return version uploadDMGToS3 = (s3Client) -> destName = "#{process.platform}/Edgehill_#{getVersion()}.dmg" dmgPath = path.join(grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir'), dmgName()) new Promise (resolve, reject) -> uploadFile(s3Client, dmgPath, destName) .then (data) -> grunt.log.ok "Uploaded DMG to #{data.Location}" msg = "New Mac Edgehill build! <#{data.Location}|#{destName}>" postToSlack(msg).then -> resolve(data) .catch(reject) .catch(reject) uploadZipToS3 = (s3Client) -> destName = "#{process.platform}/Edgehill_#{getVersion()}.zip" buildDir = grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir') grunt.log.writeln ">> Creating zip file…" new Promise (resolve, reject) -> appToZip = path.join(buildDir, appName()) zipPath = path.join(buildDir, zipName()) rm zipPath orig = process.cwd() process.chdir(buildDir) spawn cmd: "zip" args: ["-9", "-y", "-r", zipName(), appName()] , (error) -> if error process.chdir(orig) reject(error) return grunt.log.writeln ">> Created #{zipPath}" grunt.log.writeln ">> Uploading…" uploadFile(s3Client, zipPath, destName) .then (data) -> grunt.log.ok "Uploaded zip to #{data.Location}" process.chdir(orig) resolve(data) .catch (err) -> process.chdir(orig) reject(err) grunt.registerTask "publish-nylas-build", "Publish Nylas build", -> done = @async() dmgPath = path.join(grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir'), dmgName()) if not fs.existsSync dmgPath grunt.log.error "DMG does not exist at #{dmgPath}. Run script/grunt build first." cp dmgPath, path.join(publishPath(), dmgName()) grunt.log.ok "Copied DMG to #{publishPath()}" if publishPath() is defaultPublishPath() grunt.log.ok "Set the PUBLISH_PATH environment variable to change where Edgehill copies the built file to." s3Client = prepareS3() if s3Client Promise.all([uploadDMGToS3(s3Client), uploadZipToS3(s3Client)]) .then -> done() .catch (err) -> grunt.log.error(err) return false else return false