React = require "react" ReactDOM = require "react-dom" ReactTestUtils = require 'react-dom/test-utils' { Thread, FocusedContentStore, Actions, CategoryStore, ChangeUnreadTask, TaskFactory, MailboxPerspective } = require "nylas-exports" {ToggleStarredButton, ToggleUnreadButton, MarkAsSpamButton} = require '../lib/thread-toolbar-buttons' test_thread = (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id" : "thread_12345" "account_id": TEST_ACCOUNT_ID "subject" : "Subject 12345" "starred": false }) test_thread_starred = (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id" : "thread_starred_12345" "account_id": TEST_ACCOUNT_ID "subject" : "Subject 12345" "starred": true }) describe "ThreadToolbarButtons", -> beforeEach -> spyOn Actions, "queueTask" spyOn Actions, "queueTasks" spyOn TaskFactory, "taskForInvertingStarred" spyOn TaskFactory, "taskForInvertingUnread" describe "Starring", -> it "stars a thread if the star button is clicked and thread is unstarred", -> starButton = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument() ReactDOM.findDOMNode(starButton) expect(TaskFactory.taskForInvertingStarred.mostRecentCall.args[0].threads).toEqual([test_thread]) it "unstars a thread if the star button is clicked and thread is starred", -> starButton = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument() ReactDOM.findDOMNode(starButton) expect(TaskFactory.taskForInvertingStarred.mostRecentCall.args[0].threads).toEqual([test_thread_starred]) describe "Marking as unread", -> thread = null markUnreadBtn = null beforeEach -> thread = new Thread(id: "thread-id-lol-123", accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, unread: false) markUnreadBtn = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) it "queues a task to change unread status to true", -> ReactDOM.findDOMNode(markUnreadBtn).childNodes[0] expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0].threads).toEqual([thread]) it "returns to the thread list", -> spyOn Actions, "popSheet" ReactDOM.findDOMNode(markUnreadBtn).childNodes[0] expect(Actions.popSheet).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "Marking as spam", -> thread = null markSpamButton = null describe "when the thread is already in spam", -> beforeEach -> thread = new Thread({ id: "thread-id-lol-123", accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, folders: [{name: 'spam'}] }) markSpamButton = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) it "queues a task to remove spam", -> spyOn(CategoryStore, 'getSpamCategory').andReturn(thread.folders[0]) {labelsToAdd, labelsToRemove} = Actions.queueTasks.mostRecentCall.args[0][0] expect(labelsToAdd).toEqual([]) expect(labelsToRemove).toEqual([thread.folders[0]]) describe "when the thread can be moved to spam", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(MailboxPerspective.prototype, 'canMoveThreadsTo').andReturn(true) thread = new Thread(id: "thread-id-lol-123", accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, folders: []) markSpamButton = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) it "queues a task to mark as spam", -> spyOn(TaskFactory, 'tasksForMarkingAsSpam') expect(TaskFactory.tasksForMarkingAsSpam).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ threads: [thread], source: 'Toolbar Button: Thread List' }) it "returns to the thread list", -> spyOn(Actions, 'popSheet') expect(Actions.popSheet).toHaveBeenCalled()