import { ACCOUNT_ID, mockImapBox, getTestDatabase, } from '../helpers' import IMAPHelpers from '../../src/local-sync-worker/imap-helpers' describe('IMAPHelpers', function describeBlock() { describe('setLabelsForMessages', () => { beforeEach(async () => { this.db = await getTestDatabase() this.sentLabel = await this.db.Label.create({ id: 'sent', accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, name: '\\Sent', role: 'sent', }) this.l1 = await this.db.Label.create({ id: 'l1', name: 'l1', accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) this.l2 = await this.db.Label.create({ id: 'l2', name: 'l2', accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) this.l3 = await this.db.Label.create({ id: 'l3', name: 'l3', accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) this.m1 = await this.db.Message.create({ id: 'm1', folderImapUID: 1, accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) await this.m1.setLabels(['l1', 'l2']) this.m1.labels = ['l1', 'l2'] this.m2 = await this.db.Message.create({ id: 'm2', folderImapUID: 2, accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) await this.m2.setLabels(['l1', 'l2']) this.m2.labels = ['l1', 'l2'] this.m3 = await this.db.Message.create({ id: 'm3', folderImapUID: 3, accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, }) await this.m3.setLabels(['l1']) this.m3.labels = ['l1'] this.messages = [this.m1, this.m2, this.m3] const messagesByUID = { 1: this.m1, 2: this.m2, 3: this.m3, } = mockImapBox() (uids, labelsToRemove) => { if (!labelsToRemove || typeof labelsToRemove === 'string' || labelsToRemove.length === 0) { throw new Error('labelsToRemove must be a non-empty array') } for (const uid of uids) { const msg = messagesByUID[uid] msg.labels = msg.labels.filter(l => !labelsToRemove.includes(l)) } }) (uids, labelsToSet) => { if (!labelsToSet || typeof labelsToSet === 'string' || labelsToSet.length === 0) { throw new Error('labelsToSet must be a non-empty array') } for (const uid of uids) { const msg = messagesByUID[uid] msg.labels = labelsToSet } }) }) it('removes all labels for each message if labelIds is empty', async () => { const labelIds = [] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: this.messages, labelIds}) for (const msg of this.messages) { expect(msg.labels.length).toBe(0) } }); it('does not remove the sent label from messages when removing all labels', async () => { await this.m3.addLabel(this.sentLabel) this.m3.labels.push(this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()) const labelIds = [] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: this.messages, labelIds}) expect(this.m1.labels.length).toBe(0) expect(this.m2.labels.length).toBe(0) expect(this.m3.labels.length).toBe(1) expect(this.m3.labels[0]).toEqual(this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()) }); it('does not try to remove labels if none present', async () => { await this.m1.setLabels([]) this.m1.labels = [] await this.m3.setLabels([this.sentLabel]) this.m3.labels = [this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()] const labelIds = [] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({ labelIds, db: this.db, box:, messages: [this.m1, this.m3], }) expect( expect(this.m1.labels.length).toBe(0) expect(this.m3.labels.length).toBe(1) expect(this.m3.labels[0]).toEqual(this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()) }); it('sets the provided labels', async () => { const labelIds = ['l1', 'l3'] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: this.messages, labelIds}) for (const msg of this.messages) { expect(msg.labels).toEqual = labelIds } }); it(`keeps the sent label on messages even if it wasn't provided in the labels to set`, async () => { await this.m3.addLabel(this.sentLabel) this.m3.labels.push(this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()) const labelIds = ['l1', 'l3'] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: this.messages, labelIds}) expect(this.m1.labels).toEqual(labelIds) expect(this.m2.labels).toEqual(labelIds) expect(this.m3.labels).toEqual([...labelIds, this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()]) }); it(`does not attempt to add the sent label to messages even if the labels to set contain the sent label`, async () => { const labelIds = ['l1', 'l3', this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: this.messages, labelIds}) for (const msg of this.messages) { expect(msg.labels).toEqual = labelIds.slice(0, 2) } }) it(`does not attempt to set labels if no labels to set`, async () => { await this.m1.setLabels([]) this.m1.labels = [] const labelIds = [this.sentLabel.imapLabelIdentifier()] await IMAPHelpers.setLabelsForMessages({db: this.db, box:, messages: [this.m1], labelIds}) expect( expect(this.m1.labels.length).toBe(0) }) }); });