_ = require 'underscore-plus'
React = require 'react'
sanitizeHtml = require 'sanitize-html'
{Utils} = require 'inbox-exports'
FloatingToolbar = require './floating-toolbar.cjsx'
module.exports =
ContenteditableComponent = React.createClass
html: React.PropTypes.string
style: React.PropTypes.object
tabIndex: React.PropTypes.string
onChange: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
getInitialState: ->
toolbarTop: 0
toolbarMode: "buttons"
toolbarLeft: 0
editAreaWidth: 9999 # This will get set on first selection
toolbarVisible: false
editQuotedText: @props.initialEditQuotedText ? false
componentDidMount: ->
componentWillUnmount: ->
componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) ->
@setState editQuotedText: nextProps.initialEditQuotedText
if nextProps.initialSelectionSnapshot?
componentWillUpdate: ->
componentDidUpdate: ->
render: ->
focus: ->
@_editableNode().focus() if @isMounted()
_onInput: (event) ->
html = @_unapplyHTMLDisplayFilters(@_editableNode().innerHTML)
@props.onChange(target: value: html)
_onBlur: (event) ->
# The delay here is necessary to see if the blur was caused by us
# navigating to the toolbar and focusing on the set-url input.
_.delay =>
return unless @isMounted() # Who knows what can happen in 50ms
, 50
_editableNode: -> @refs.contenteditable.getDOMNode()
_getAllLinks: ->
_dangerouslySetInnerHTML: ->
__html: @_applyHTMLDisplayFilters(@props.html)
_applyHTMLDisplayFilters: (html) ->
html = @_removeQuotedTextFromHTML(html) unless @state.editQuotedText
return html
_unapplyHTMLDisplayFilters: (html) ->
html = @_addQuotedTextToHTML(html) unless @state.editQuotedText
return html
######### SELECTION MANAGEMENT ##########
# Saving and restoring a selection is difficult with React.
# React only handles Input and Textarea elements:
# https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/src/browser/ui/ReactInputSelection.js
# This is because they expose a very convenient `selectionStart` and
# `selectionEnd` integer.
# Contenteditable regions are trickier. They require the more
# sophisticated `Range` and `Selection` APIs.
# Range docs:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range/ranges.html
# Selection API docs:
# http://www.w3.org/TR/selection-api/#dfn-range
# A Contenteditable region can have arbitrary html inside of it. This
# means that a selection start point can be some node (the `anchorNode`)
# and its end point can be a completely different node (the `focusNode`)
# When React re-renders, all of the DOM nodes may change. They may
# look exactly the same, but have different object references.
# This means that your old references to `anchorNode` and `focusNode`
# may be bad and no longer in scope or painted.
# In order to restore the selection properly we need to re-find the
# equivalent `anchorNode` and `focusNode`. Luckily we can use the
# `isEqualNode` method to get a shallow comparison of the nodes.
# Unfortunately it's possible for `isEqualNode` to match more than one
# node since two nodes may look very similar.
# To fix this we need to keep track of the original indices to determine
# which node is most likely the matching one.
# http://www.w3.org/TR/selection-api/#selectstart-event
_setupSelectionListeners: ->
@_onSelectionChange = => @_setNewSelectionState()
document.addEventListener "selectionchange", @_onSelectionChange
_teardownSelectionListeners: ->
document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", @_onSelectionChange)
getCurrentSelection: -> _.clone(@_selection ? {})
getPreviousSelection: -> _.clone(@_previousSelection ? {})
# Every time the cursor changes we need to preserve its location and
# state.
# We can't use React's `state` variable because cursor position is not
# natrually supported in the virtual DOM.
# We also need to make sure that node references are cloned so they
# don't change out from underneath us.
# We also need to keep references to the previous selection state in
# order for undo/redo to work properly.
# We need to be sure to deeply `cloneNode`. This is because sometimes
# our anchorNodes are divs with nested
tags. If we don't do a deep
# clone then when `isEqualNode` is run it will erroneously return false
# and our selection restoration will fail
_setNewSelectionState: ->
selection = document.getSelection()
return if not @_selectionInScope(selection)
# @_setSelectionMarkers()
return if @_checkSameSelection(selection)
range = selection.getRangeAt(0)
return if not range?
@_previousSelection = @_selection
@_selection =
startNode: range.startContainer?.cloneNode(true)
startOffset: range.startOffset
startNodeIndex: @_getNodeIndex(range.startContainer)
endNode: range.endContainer?.cloneNode(true)
endOffset: range.endOffset
endNodeIndex: @_getNodeIndex(range.endContainer)
return @_selection
# _setSelectionMarkers: (selection) ->
# startMarker = document.createElement("SPAN")
# startMarker.setAttribute "id", "nilas-start-marker"
# endMarker = document.createElement("SPAN")
# endMarker.setAttribute "id", "nilas-end-marker"
# selection.anchorNode.parentNode.insertBefore(startMarker, selection.anchorNode)
# selection.focusNode.parentNode.insertBefore(endMarker, selection.focusNode)
_setSelectionSnapshot: (selection) -> @_selection = selection
# When we're dragging we don't want to the restoring the cursor as we're
# dragging. Doing so caused selecting backwards to break because the
# Selection API does not yet expose the selection "direction". When we
# would go to reset the cursor selection, it would reset to the wrong
# state.
_onMouseDown: (event) ->
@_ignoreSelectionRestoration = true
return true
_onMouseUp: ->
@_ignoreSelectionRestoration = false
return true
# We manually restore the selection on every render and when we need to
# move the selection around manually.
# force - when set to true it will not care whether or not the selection
# is already in the box. Normally we only restore when the
# contenteditable is in focus
# collapse - Can either be "end" or "start". When we reset the
# selection, we'll collapse the range into a single caret
# position
_restoreSelection: ({force, collapse}={}) ->
return if @_ignoreSelectionRestoration
return if not @_selection?
return if document.activeElement isnt @_editableNode() and not force
return if not @_selection.startNode? or not @_selection.endNode?
range = document.createRange()
startNode = @_findSimilarNodes(@_selection.startNode)[@_selection.startNodeIndex]
endNode = @_findSimilarNodes(@_selection.endNode)[@_selection.endNodeIndex]
return if not startNode? or not endNode?
startIndex = Math.min(@_selection.startOffset ? 0, @_selection.endOffset ? 0)
startIndex = Math.min(startIndex, startNode.length)
endIndex = Math.max(@_selection.startOffset ? 0, @_selection.endOffset ? 0)
endIndex = Math.min(endIndex, endNode.length)
if collapse is "end"
startNode = endNode
startIndex = endIndex
else if collapse is "start"
endNode = startNode
endIndex = endIndex
range.setStart(startNode, startIndex)
range.setEnd(endNode, endIndex)
selection = document.getSelection()
# We need to break each node apart and cache since the `selection`
# object will mutate underneath us.
_checkSameSelection: (selection) ->
return true if not selection?
return false if not @_previousSelection
return false if not selection.anchorNode? or not selection.focusNode?
anchorIndex = @_getNodeIndex(selection.anchorNode)
focusIndex = @_getNodeIndex(selection.focusNode)
anchorEqual = selection.anchorNode.isEqualNode @_previousSelection.startNode
anchorIndexEqual = anchorIndex is @_previousSelection.startNodeIndex
focusEqual = selection.focusNode.isEqualNode @_previousSelection.endNode
focusIndexEqual = focusIndex is @_previousSelection.endNodeIndex
if not anchorEqual and not focusEqual
# This means the selection is the same, but just from the opposite
# direction. We don't care in this case, so check the reciprocal as
# well.
anchorEqual = selection.anchorNode.isEqualNode @_previousSelection.endNode
anchorIndexEqual = anchorIndex is @_previousSelection.endNodeIndex
focusEqual = selection.focusNode.isEqualNode @_previousSelection.startNode
focusIndexEqual = focusIndex is @_previousSelection.startndNodeIndex
anchorOffsetEqual = selection.anchorOffset == @_previousSelection.startOffset
focusOffsetEqual = selection.focusOffset == @_previousSelection.endOffset
if not anchorOffsetEqual and not focusOffsetEqual
# This means the selection is the same, but just from the opposite
# direction. We don't care in this case, so check the reciprocal as
# well.
anchorOffsetEqual = selection.anchorOffset == @_previousSelection.focusOffset
focusOffsetEqual = selection.focusOffset == @_previousSelection.anchorOffset
if (anchorEqual and
anchorIndexEqual and
anchorOffsetEqual and
focusEqual and
focusIndexEqual and
return true
return false
_getNodeIndex: (nodeToFind) ->
@_findSimilarNodes(nodeToFind).indexOf nodeToFind
_findSimilarNodes: (nodeToFind) ->
nodeList = []
treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker @_editableNode()
while treeWalker.nextNode()
if treeWalker.currentNode.isEqualNode nodeToFind
return nodeList
_isEqualNode: ->
_linksInside: (selection) ->
return _.filter @_getAllLinks(), (link) ->
selection.containsNode(link, true)
####### TOOLBAR ON SELECTION #########
# We want the toolbar's state to be declaratively defined from other
# states.
# There are a variety of conditions that the toolbar should display:
# 1. When you're hovering over a link
# 2. When you've arrow-keyed the cursor into a link
# 3. When you have selected a range of text.
_refreshToolbarState: ->
if @_linkHoveringOver
url = @_linkHoveringOver.getAttribute('href')
rect = @_linkHoveringOver.getBoundingClientRect()
[left, top, editAreaWidth] = @_getToolbarPos(rect)
toolbarVisible: true
toolbarMode: "edit-link"
toolbarTop: top
toolbarLeft: left
linkToModify: @_linkHoveringOver
editAreaWidth: editAreaWidth
selection = document.getSelection()
# TODO do something smarter then this in the future
linksInside = [] # @_linksInside(selection)
if selection.isCollapsed and linksInside.length is 0
if selection.isCollapsed and linksInside.length > 0
linkRect = linksInside[0].getBoundingClientRect()
[left, top, editAreaWidth] = @_getToolbarPos(linkRect)
selectionRect = selection.getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect()
[left, top, editAreaWidth] = @_getToolbarPos(selectionRect)
toolbarVisible: true
toolbarMode: "buttons"
toolbarTop: top
toolbarLeft: left
linkToModify: null
editAreaWidth: editAreaWidth
# See selection API: http://www.w3.org/TR/selection-api/
_selectionInScope: (selection) ->
return false if not selection?
return false if not @isMounted()
editNode = @refs.contenteditable.getDOMNode()
return (editNode.contains(selection.anchorNode) and
_getToolbarPos: (referenceRect) ->
editArea = @refs.contenteditable.getDOMNode().getBoundingClientRect()
calcLeft = (referenceRect.left - editArea.left) + referenceRect.width/2
calcLeft = Math.min(Math.max(calcLeft, @CONTENT_PADDING), editArea.width)
calcTop = referenceRect.top - editArea.top + referenceRect.height + TOP_PADDING
return [calcLeft, calcTop, editArea.width]
_hideToolbar: ->
if not @_focusedOnToolbar() and @state.toolbarVisible
@setState toolbarVisible: false
_focusedOnToolbar: ->
# This needs to be in the contenteditable area because we need to first
# restore the selection before calling the `execCommand`
# If the url is empty, that means we want to remove the url.
_onSaveUrl: (url, linkToModify) ->
if linkToModify?
linkToModify = @_findSimilarNodes(linkToModify)?[0]?.childNodes[0]
return if not linkToModify?
range = document.createRange()
range.setStart(linkToModify, 0)
range.setEnd(linkToModify, linkToModify.length)
selection = document.getSelection()
if url.trim().length is 0
document.execCommand("unlink", false)
document.execCommand("createLink", false, url)
@_restoreSelection(force: true)
if document.getSelection().isCollapsed
if url.trim().length is 0
document.execCommand("unlink", false)
document.execCommand("createLink", false, url)
@_restoreSelection(force: true, collapse: "end")
_setupLinkHoverListeners: ->
@_links = []
links = @_getAllLinks()
return if links.length is 0
links.forEach (link) =>
enterTimeout = null
leaveTimeout = null
enterListener = (event) =>
enterTimeout = setTimeout =>
return unless @isMounted()
@_linkHoveringOver = link
leaveListener = (event) =>
leaveTimeout = setTimeout =>
@_linkHoveringOver = null
return unless @isMounted()
return if @refs.floatingToolbar.isHovering
link.addEventListener "mouseenter", enterListener
link.addEventListener "mouseleave", leaveListener
link: link
enterTimeout: enterTimeout
leaveTimeout: leaveTimeout
enterListener: enterListener
leaveListener: leaveListener
_onTooltipMouseEnter: ->
clearTimeout(@_clearTooltipTimeout) if @_clearTooltipTimeout?
_onTooltipMouseLeave: ->
@_clearTooltipTimeout = setTimeout =>
, 500
_teardownLinkHoverListeners: ->
while @_links.length > 0
linkData = @_links.pop()
clearTimeout linkData.enterTimeout
clearTimeout linkData.leaveTimeout
linkData.link.removeEventListener "mouseenter", linkData.enterListener
linkData.link.removeEventListener "mouseleave", linkData.leaveListener
####### CLEAN PASTE #########
_onPaste: (evt) ->
html = evt.clipboardData.getData("text/html") ? ""
if html.length is 0
text = evt.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") ? ""
if text.length > 0
cleanHtml = text
cleanHtml = @_sanitizeHtml(html)
document.execCommand("insertHTML", false, cleanHtml)
return false
# This is used primarily when pasting text in
_sanitizeHtml: (html) ->
cleanHtml = sanitizeHtml html.replace(/\n/g, "
allowedTags: ['p', 'b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'a', 'br', 'img', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'strike']
a: ['href', 'name']
img: ['src', 'alt']
h1: "p"
h2: "p"
h3: "p"
h4: "p"
h5: "p"
h6: "p"
div: "p"
pre: "p"
blockquote: "p"
table: "p"
cleanHtml.replace(//gi, "").replace(/<\/p>/gi, "
####### QUOTED TEXT #########
_onToggleQuotedText: ->
editQuotedText: !@state.editQuotedText
_quotedTextClasses: -> React.addons.classSet
"quoted-text-control": true
"no-quoted-text": @_htmlQuotedTextStart() is -1
"show-quoted-text": @state.editQuotedText
_htmlQuotedTextStart: ->
_removeQuotedTextFromHTML: (html) ->
quoteStart = @_htmlQuotedTextStart()
if quoteStart is -1 then return html
else return html.substr(0, quoteStart)
_addQuotedTextToHTML: (innerHTML) ->
quoteStart = @_htmlQuotedTextStart()
if quoteStart is -1 then return innerHTML
else return (innerHTML + @props.html.substr(quoteStart))