_ = require 'underscore' ipc = require 'ipc' Reflux = require 'reflux' path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs-plus' shell = require 'shell' PluginsActions = require './plugins-actions' {APMWrapper} = require 'nylas-exports' dialog = require('remote').require('dialog') module.exports = PackagesStore = Reflux.createStore init: -> @_apm = new APMWrapper() @_globalSearch = "" @_installedSearch = "" @_installing = {} @_featured = {themes: [], packages: []} @_newerVersions = [] @_searchResults = null @_refreshFeatured() @listenTo PluginsActions.refreshFeaturedPackages, @_refreshFeatured @listenTo PluginsActions.refreshInstalledPackages, @_refreshInstalled atom.commands.add 'body', 'application:create-package': => @_onCreatePackage() atom.commands.add 'body', 'application:install-package': => @_onInstallPackage() @listenTo PluginsActions.createPackage, @_onCreatePackage @listenTo PluginsActions.updatePackage, @_onUpdatePackage @listenTo PluginsActions.setGlobalSearchValue, @_onGlobalSearchChange @listenTo PluginsActions.setInstalledSearchValue, @_onInstalledSearchChange @listenTo PluginsActions.showPackage, (pkg) => dir = atom.packages.resolvePackagePath(pkg.name) shell.showItemInFolder(dir) if dir @listenTo PluginsActions.installPackage, (pkg) => @_installing[pkg.name] = true @trigger(@) @_apm.install pkg, (err) => if err delete @_installing[pkg.name] @_displayMessage("Sorry, an error occurred", err.toString()) else if atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name) atom.packages.enablePackage(pkg.name) @_onPackagesChanged() @listenTo PluginsActions.uninstallPackage, (pkg) => if atom.packages.isPackageLoaded(pkg.name) atom.packages.disablePackage(pkg.name) atom.packages.unloadPackage(pkg.name) @_apm.uninstall pkg, (err) => @_displayMessage("Sorry, an error occurred", err.toString()) if err @_onPackagesChanged() @listenTo PluginsActions.enablePackage, (pkg) -> if atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name) atom.packages.enablePackage(pkg.name) @listenTo PluginsActions.disablePackage, (pkg) -> unless atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name) atom.packages.disablePackage(pkg.name) @_hasPrepared = false # Getters installed: -> @_prepareIfFresh() @_addPackageStates(@_filter(@_installed, @_installedSearch)) installedSearchValue: -> @_installedSearch featured: -> @_prepareIfFresh() @_addPackageStates(@_featured) searchResults: -> @_addPackageStates(@_searchResults) globalSearchValue: -> @_globalSearch # Action Handlers _prepareIfFresh: -> return if @_hasPrepared atom.packages.onDidActivatePackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced()) atom.packages.onDidDeactivatePackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced()) atom.packages.onDidLoadPackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced()) atom.packages.onDidUnloadPackage(=> @_onPackagesChangedDebounced()) @_onPackagesChanged() @_hasPrepared = true _filter: (hash, search) -> result = {} search = search.toLowerCase() for key, pkgs of hash result[key] = _.filter pkgs, (p) => search.length is 0 or p.name.toLowerCase().indexOf(search) isnt -1 result _refreshFeatured: -> @_apm.getFeatured({themes: false}).then (results) => @_featured.packages = results @trigger() .catch (err) => # We may be offline @_apm.getFeatured({themes: true}).then (results) => @_featured.themes = results @trigger() .catch (err) => # We may be offline _refreshInstalled: -> @_onPackagesChanged() _refreshSearch: -> return unless @_globalSearch?.length > 0 @_apm.search(@_globalSearch).then (results) => @_searchResults = packages: results.filter ({theme}) -> not theme themes: results.filter ({theme}) -> theme @trigger() .catch (err) => # We may be offline _refreshSearchThrottled: _.debounce((-> @_refreshSearch()), 400) _onPackagesChanged: -> @_apm.getInstalled().then (packages) => for category in ['dev', 'user', 'core'] packages[category] = packages[category].filter ({theme}) -> not theme packages[category].forEach (pkg) => pkg.category = category delete @_installing[pkg.name] @_installed = packages @trigger() @_apm.getOutdated().then (packages) => @_newerVersions = {} for pkg in packages @_newerVersions[pkg.name] = pkg.latestVersion @trigger() _onPackagesChangedDebounced: _.debounce((-> @_onPackagesChanged()), 200) _onInstalledSearchChange: (val) -> @_installedSearch = val @trigger() _onUpdatePackage: (pkg) -> @_apm.update(pkg, pkg.newerVersion) _onInstallPackage: -> {resourcePath} = atom.getLoadSettings() if resourcePath.indexOf('app.asar') != -1 starterPackagesPath = path.join(resourcePath,'..', 'app.asar.unpacked', 'examples') else starterPackagesPath = path.join(resourcePath, "examples") dialog.showOpenDialog title: "Choose a Package Directory" defaultPath: starterPackagesPath properties: ['openDirectory'] , (filenames) => return if not filenames or filenames.length is 0 atom.packages.installPackageFromPath filenames[0], (err, packageTargetDir) => return if err packageName = path.basename(filenames[0]) msg = "#{packageName} has been installed and enabled. No need to \ restart! If you don't see the package loaded, check the \ console for errors." @_displayMessage("Package installed", msg) if packageTargetDir shell.showItemInFolder(packageTargetDir) _onCreatePackage: -> if not atom.inDevMode() btn = dialog.showMessageBox type: 'warning' message: "Run with debug flags?" detail: "To develop plugins, you should run N1 with debug flags. This gives you better error messages, the debug version of React, and more. You can disable it at any time from the Developer menu." buttons: ["OK", "Cancel"] if btn is 0 ipc.send('command', 'application:toggle-dev') return packagesDir = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(), 'dev', 'packages') fs.makeTreeSync(packagesDir) dialog.showSaveDialog title: "Save New Package" defaultPath: packagesDir properties: ['createDirectory'] , (packageDir) => return unless packageDir packageName = path.basename(packageDir) if not packageDir.startsWith(packagesDir) return @_displayMessage('Invalid package location', 'Sorry, you must create packages in the packages folder.') if atom.packages.resolvePackagePath(packageName) return @_displayMessage('Invalid package name', 'Sorry, you must give your package a unqiue name.') if packageName.indexOf(' ') isnt -1 return @_displayMessage('Invalid package name', 'Sorry, package names cannot contain spaces.') fs.mkdir packageDir, (err) => return @_displayMessage('Could not create package', err.toString()) if err {resourcePath} = atom.getLoadSettings() packageTemplatePath = path.join(resourcePath, 'static', 'package-template') packageJSON = name: packageName main: "./lib/main" version: '0.1.0' repository: type: 'git' url: '' engines: atom: ">=#{atom.getVersion()}" description: "Enter a description of your package!" dependencies: {} license: "MIT" fs.copySync(packageTemplatePath, packageDir) fs.writeFileSync(path.join(packageDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, 2)) shell.showItemInFolder(packageDir) _.defer -> atom.packages.enablePackage(packageDir) atom.packages.activatePackage(packageName) _onGlobalSearchChange: (val) -> # Clear previous search results data if this is a new # search beginning from "". if @_globalSearch.length is 0 and val.length > 0 @_searchResults = null @_globalSearch = val @_refreshSearchThrottled() @trigger() _addPackageStates: (pkgs) -> installedNames = _.flatten(_.values(@_installed)).map (pkg) -> pkg.name _.flatten(_.values(pkgs)).forEach (pkg) => pkg.enabled = !atom.packages.isPackageDisabled(pkg.name) pkg.installed = pkg.name in installedNames pkg.installing = @_installing[pkg.name]? pkg.newerVersionAvailable = @_newerVersions[pkg.name]? pkg.newerVersion = @_newerVersions[pkg.name] pkgs _displayMessage: (title, message) -> dialog.showMessageBox type: 'warning' message: title detail: message buttons: ["OK"]