import { NylasAPI, NylasSyncStatusStore, React, Actions, } from 'nylas-exports'; import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit'; export default class ConnectionStatusHeader extends React.Component { static displayName = 'ConnectionStatusHeader'; constructor() { super(); this._updateInterval = null; this.state = this.getStateFromStores(); } componentDidMount() { this.unsubscribe = NylasSyncStatusStore.listen(() => { const nextState = this.getStateFromStores(); if ((nextState.connected !== this.state.connected) || (nextState.nextRetryText !== this.state.nextRetryText)) { this.setState(nextState); } }); window.addEventListener('browser-window-focus', this.onWindowFocusChanged); window.addEventListener('browser-window-blur', this.onWindowFocusChanged); this.ensureCountdownInterval(); } componentDidUpdate() { this.ensureCountdownInterval(); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('browser-window-focus', this.onWindowFocusChanged); window.removeEventListener('browser-window-blur', this.onWindowFocusChanged); } onTryAgain = () => { Actions.retrySync(); } onWindowFocusChanged = () => { this.setState(this.getStateFromStores()); this.ensureCountdownInterval(); } getStateFromStores() { const nextRetryDelay = NylasSyncStatusStore.nextRetryDelay(); const nextRetryTimestamp = NylasSyncStatusStore.nextRetryTimestamp(); let connected = NylasSyncStatusStore.connected(); if (nextRetryDelay < 5000) { connected = true; } let nextRetryText = null; if (!connected) { if (document.body.classList.contains('is-blurred')) { nextRetryText = 'soon'; } else { const seconds = Math.ceil((nextRetryTimestamp - / 1000.0); if (seconds > 1) { nextRetryText = `in ${seconds} seconds`; } else { nextRetryText = `now`; } } } return {connected, nextRetryText}; } ensureCountdownInterval = () => { if (this._updateInterval) { clearInterval(this._updateInterval); } // only count down the "Reconnecting in..." label if the window is in the // foreground to avoid the battery hit. if (!this.state.connected && !document.body.classList.contains('is-blurred')) { this._updateInterval = setInterval(() => { this.setState(this.getStateFromStores()); }, 1000); } } render() { const {connected, nextRetryText} = this.state; if (connected) { return (); } const apiDomain = NylasAPI.APIRoot.split('//').pop(); return (
Nylas N1 isn't able to reach {apiDomain}. Retrying {nextRetryText}.
Try Again Now
); } }