import path from 'path'; import {ipcRenderer} from 'electron'; import {UnreadBadgeStore} from 'nylas-exports'; // Must be absolute real system path // const INBOX_ZERO_ICON = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'MenuItem-Inbox-Zero.png'); const INBOX_UNREAD_ICON = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'MenuItem-Inbox-Full.png'); const INBOX_UNREAD_ALT_ICON = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'MenuItem-Inbox-Full-NewItems.png'); class SystemTrayIconStore { static INBOX_ZERO_ICON = INBOX_ZERO_ICON; static INBOX_UNREAD_ICON = INBOX_UNREAD_ICON; static INBOX_UNREAD_ALT_ICON = INBOX_UNREAD_ALT_ICON; constructor() { this._windowBlurred = false; this._unsubscribers = []; } activate() { this._updateIcon() this._unsubscribers.push(UnreadBadgeStore.listen(this._updateIcon)); window.addEventListener('browser-window-blur', this._onWindowBlur); window.addEventListener('browser-window-focus', this._onWindowFocus); this._unsubscribers.push(() => window.removeEventListener('browser-window-blur', this._onWindowBlur)) this._unsubscribers.push(() => window.removeEventListener('browser-window-focus', this._onWindowFocus)) } _getIconImageData(unreadCount, isWindowBlurred) { if (unreadCount === 0) { return {iconPath: INBOX_ZERO_ICON, isTemplateImg: true}; } return isWindowBlurred ? {iconPath: INBOX_UNREAD_ALT_ICON, isTemplateImg: false} : {iconPath: INBOX_UNREAD_ICON, isTemplateImg: true}; } _onWindowBlur = ()=> { // Set state to blurred, but don't trigger a change. The icon should only be // updated when the count changes this._windowBlurred = true; }; _onWindowFocus = ()=> { // Make sure that as long as the window is focused we never use the alt icon this._windowBlurred = false; this._updateIcon(); }; _updateIcon = () => { const count = UnreadBadgeStore.count() const unreadString = (+count).toLocaleString(); const {iconPath, isTemplateImg} = this._getIconImageData(count, this._windowBlurred); ipcRenderer.send('update-system-tray', iconPath, unreadString, isTemplateImg); }; deactivate() { this._unsubscribers.forEach(unsub => unsub()) } } export default SystemTrayIconStore;