import React from 'react'; import {ipcRenderer, shell} from 'electron'; import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import { pollForGmailAccount, buildGmailSessionKey, buildGmailAuthURL, } from './onboarding-helpers'; import OnboardingActions from './onboarding-actions'; import AccountTypes from './account-types'; export default class AccountSettingsPageGmail extends React.Component { static displayName = "AccountSettingsPageGmail"; static propTypes = { accountInfo: React.PropTypes.object, }; componentDidMount() { // Show the "Sign in to Gmail" prompt for a moment before actually bouncing // to Gmail. (400msec animation + 200msec to read) this._sessionKey = buildGmailSessionKey(); this._pollTimer = null; this._startTimer = setTimeout(() => { shell.openExternal(buildGmailAuthURL(this._sessionKey)); this.startPollingForResponse(); }, 600); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this._startTimer) { clearTimeout(this._startTimer); } if (this._pollTimer) { clearTimeout(this._pollTimer); } } startPollingForResponse() { let delay = 1000; let onWindowFocused = null; let poll = null; onWindowFocused = () => { delay = 1000; if (this._pollTimer) { clearTimeout(this._pollTimer); this._pollTimer = setTimeout(poll, delay); } }; poll = () => { pollForGmailAccount(this._sessionKey, (err, account) => { clearTimeout(this._pollTimer); if (account) { ipcRenderer.removeListener('browser-window-focus', onWindowFocused); OnboardingActions.accountJSONReceived(account); } else { delay = Math.min(delay * 1.2, 10000); this._pollTimer = setTimeout(poll, delay); } }); } ipcRenderer.on('browser-window-focus', onWindowFocused); this._pollTimer = setTimeout(poll, 5000); } render() { const {accountInfo} = this.props; const iconName = AccountTypes.find(a => a.type === accountInfo.type).headerIcon; return (

Sign in to Google in
your browser.

); } }