_ = require "underscore-plus" moment = require "moment" proxyquire = require "proxyquire" CSON = require "season" React = require "react/addons" TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils {Thread, Contact, Actions, Message, Namespace, MessageStore, NamespaceStore, InboxTestUtils} = require "inbox-exports" MessageItem = proxyquire("../lib/message-item.cjsx", { "./email-frame": React.createClass({render: -> <div></div>}) }) MessageList = proxyquire("../lib/message-list.cjsx", { "./message-item.cjsx": MessageItem }) MessageParticipants = require "../lib/message-participants.cjsx" ThreadParticipants = require "../lib/thread-participants.cjsx" me = new Namespace( "name": "User One", "email": "user1@inboxapp.com" "provider": "inbox" ) NamespaceStore._current = me user_headers = id: null object: null namespace_id: null user_1 = _.extend _.clone(user_headers), name: "User One" email: "user1@inboxapp.com" user_2 = _.extend _.clone(user_headers), name: "User Two" email: "user2@inboxapp.com" user_3 = _.extend _.clone(user_headers), name: "User Three" email: "user3@inboxapp.com" user_4 = _.extend _.clone(user_headers), name: "User Four" email: "user4@inboxapp.com" user_5 = _.extend _.clone(user_headers), name: "User Five" email: "user5@inboxapp.com" test_messages = [ (new Message).fromJSON({ "id" : "111", "from" : [ user_1 ], "to" : [ user_2 ], "cc" : [ user_3, user_4 ], "bcc" : null, "body" : "Body One", "date" : 1415814587, "files" : [], "unread" : false, "object" : "message", "snippet" : "snippet one...", "subject" : "Subject One", "thread_id" : "thread_12345", "namespace_id" : "nsid" }), (new Message).fromJSON({ "id" : "222", "from" : [ user_2 ], "to" : [ user_1 ], "cc" : [ user_3, user_4 ], "bcc" : null, "body" : "Body Two", "date" : 1415814587, "files" : [], "unread" : false, "object" : "message", "snippet" : "snippet Two...", "subject" : "Subject Two", "thread_id" : "thread_12345", "namespace_id" : "nsid" }), (new Message).fromJSON({ "id" : "333", "from" : [ user_3 ], "to" : [ user_1 ], "cc" : [ user_2, user_4 ], "bcc" : [], "body" : "Body Three", "date" : 1415814587, "files" : [], "unread" : false, "object" : "message", "snippet" : "snippet Three...", "subject" : "Subject Three", "thread_id" : "thread_12345", "namespace_id" : "nsid" }), (new Message).fromJSON({ "id" : "444", "from" : [ user_4 ], "to" : [ user_1 ], "cc" : [], "bcc" : [ user_5 ], "body" : "Body Four", "date" : 1415814587, "files" : [], "unread" : false, "object" : "message", "snippet" : "snippet Four...", "subject" : "Subject Four", "thread_id" : "thread_12345", "namespace_id" : "nsid" }), (new Message).fromJSON({ "id" : "555", "from" : [ user_1 ], "to" : [ user_4 ], "cc" : [], "bcc" : [], "body" : "Body Five", "date" : 1415814587, "files" : [], "unread" : false, "object" : "message", "snippet" : "snippet Five...", "subject" : "Subject Five", "thread_id" : "thread_12345", "namespace_id" : "nsid" }), ] test_thread = (new Thread).fromJSON({ "id" : "thread_12345" "subject" : "Subject 12345" }) describe "MessageList", -> _resetMessageStore = -> MessageStore._items = [] MessageStore._threadId = null beforeEach -> _resetMessageStore() @message_list = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<MessageList />) @message_list_node = @message_list.getDOMNode() it "renders into the document", -> expect(TestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType(@message_list, MessageList)).toBe true it "by default has zero children", -> items = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@message_list, MessageItem) expect(items.length).toBe 0 describe "Populated Message list", -> beforeEach -> MessageStore._items = test_messages MessageStore.trigger(MessageStore) @message_list.setState current_thread: test_thread it "renders all the correct number of messages", -> items = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@message_list, MessageItem) expect(items.length).toBe 5 it "aggregates participants across all messages", -> expect(@message_list._threadParticipants().length).toBe 4 expect(@message_list._threadParticipants()[0] instanceof Contact).toBe true it "displays lists of participants on the page", -> items = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@message_list, MessageParticipants) expect(items.length).toBe 5 it "displays the thread participants on the page", -> items = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@message_list, ThreadParticipants) expect(items.length).toBe 1 describe "Message", -> beforeEach -> items = TestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(@message_list, MessageItem) item = items.filter (message) -> message.props.message.id is "111" @message_item = item[0] @message_date = moment([2010, 1, 14, 15, 25, 50, 125]) @message_item.props.message.date = moment(@message_date) it "finds the message by id", -> expect(@message_item.props.message.id).toBe "111" # test messsage time is 1415814587 it "displays the time from messages LONG ago", -> spyOn(@message_item, "_today").andCallFake => @message_date.add(2, 'years') expect(@message_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D YYYY" it "displays the time and date from messages a bit ago", -> spyOn(@message_item, "_today").andCallFake => @message_date.add(2, 'days') expect(@message_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D, h:mm a" it "displays the time and date messages exactly a day ago", -> spyOn(@message_item, "_today").andCallFake => @message_date.add(1, 'day') expect(@message_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D, h:mm a" it "displays the time from messages yesterday with the day, even though it's less than 24 hours ago", -> spyOn(@message_item, "_today").andCallFake -> moment([2010, 1, 15, 2, 25, 50, 125]) expect(@message_item._timeFormat()).toBe "MMM D, h:mm a" it "displays the time from messages recently", -> spyOn(@message_item, "_today").andCallFake => @message_date.add(2, 'hours') expect(@message_item._timeFormat()).toBe "h:mm a"