{Message, Actions,DraftStore} = require 'inbox-exports' EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter _ = require 'underscore-plus' # As the user interacts with the draft, changes are accumulated in the # DraftChangeSet associated with the store proxy. The DraftChangeSet does two things: # # 1. It debounces changes and calls Actions.saveDraft() at a reasonable interval. # # 2. It exposes `applyToModel`, which allows you to optimistically apply changes # to a draft object. When the proxy vends the draft, it passes it through this # function to apply uncommitted changes. This means the Draft provided by the # DraftStoreProxy will always relfect recent changes, even though they're # written to the database intermittently. # class DraftChangeSet constructor: (@localId, @_onChange) -> @_pending = {} @_timer = null add: (changes, immediate) => @_pending = _.extend(@_pending, changes) @_onChange() if immediate @commit() else clearTimeout(@_timer) if @_timer @_timer = setTimeout(@commit, 5000) commit: => @_pending.localId = @localId if Object.keys(@_pending).length > 1 Actions.saveDraft(@_pending) @_pending = {} applyToModel: (model) => model.fromJSON(@_pending) if model model # DraftStoreProxy is a small class that makes it easy to implement components # that display Draft objects or allow for interactive editing of Drafts. # # 1. It synchronously provides an instance of a draft via `draft()`, and # triggers whenever that draft instance has changed. # # 2. It provides an interface for modifying the draft that transparently # batches changes, and ensures that the draft provided via `draft()` # always has pending changes applied. # module.exports = class DraftStoreProxy constructor: (@draftLocalId) -> @unlisteners = [] @unlisteners.push DraftStore.listen(@_onDraftChanged, @) @unlisteners.push Actions.didSwapModel.listen(@_onDraftSwapped, @) @_emitter = new EventEmitter() @_draft = false @_reloadDraft() @changes = new DraftChangeSet @draftLocalId, => @_emitter.emit('trigger') draft: -> @changes.applyToModel(@_draft) @_draft listen: (callback, bindContext) -> eventHandler = (args) -> callback.apply(bindContext, args) @_emitter.addListener('trigger', eventHandler) return => @_emitter.removeListener('trigger', eventHandler) if @_emitter.listeners('trigger').length == 0 # Unlink ourselves from the stores/actions we were listening to # so that we can be garbage collected unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners _onDraftChanged: (change) -> # We don't accept changes unless our draft object is loaded return unless @_draft # Is this change an update to our draft? myDraft = _.find(change.objects, (obj) => obj.id == @_draft.id) if myDraft @_draft = myDraft @_emitter.emit('trigger') _onDraftSwapped: (change) -> # A draft was saved with a new ID. Since we use the draft ID to # watch for changes to our draft, we need to pull again using our # localId. if change.oldModel.id is @_draft.id @_draft = change.newModel @_emitter.emit('trigger') _reloadDraft: -> promise = DraftStore.findByLocalId(@draftLocalId) promise.catch (err) -> console.log(err) promise.then (draft) => @_draft = draft @_emitter.emit('trigger')