NotificationsStore = require '../lib/' Notification = NotificationsStore.Notification {Actions} = require 'inbox-exports' describe 'Notification', -> it 'should assert that a message has been provided', -> expect( -> new Notification({})).toThrow() it 'should assert that a valid type has been provided', -> for type in ['info', 'success', 'error'] expect( -> new Notification({type: type, message: 'bla'})).not.toThrow() expect( -> new Notification({type: 'extreme'})).toThrow() it 'should assert that any actions have ids and labels', -> expect( -> new Notification({type: 'info', message: '1', actions:[{id: 'a'}]})).toThrow() expect( -> new Notification({type: 'info', message: '2', actions:[{label: 'b'}]})).toThrow() expect( -> new Notification({type: 'info', message: '3', actions:[{id: 'a', label: 'b'}]})).not.toThrow() it 'should assign its own ID and creation time', -> @n = new Notification({type: 'info', message: 'A', actions:[{id: 'a', label: 'b'}]}) expect( expect(@n.creation).toBeDefined() it 'should be valid at creation', -> @n = new Notification({type: 'info', message: 'A', actions:[{id: 'a', label: 'b'}]}) expect(@n.valid()).toBe true describe 'NotificationStore', -> beforeEach -> NotificationsStore._flush() it 'should have no notifications by default', -> expect(NotificationsStore.notifications().length).toEqual 0 it 'should register a notification', -> message = "Hello" Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: message}) n = NotificationsStore.notifications()[0] expect(n.message).toEqual(message) it 'should unregister on removeNotification', -> Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: 'hi'}) n = NotificationsStore.notifications()[0] NotificationsStore._removeNotification(n)() expect(NotificationsStore.notifications().length).toEqual 0 describe "with a few notifications", -> beforeEach -> Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: 'A', sticky: true}) Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: 'B', sticky: false}) Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: 'C'}) Actions.postNotification({type: 'info', message: 'D', sticky: true}) describe "stickyNotifications", -> it 'should return all of the notifications with the sticky flag, ordered by date DESC', -> messages = NotificationsStore.stickyNotifications().map (n) -> n.message expect(messages).toEqual(['D','A']) describe "notifications", -> it 'should return all of the notifications without the sticky flag, ordered by date DESC', -> messages = NotificationsStore.notifications().map (n) -> n.message expect(messages).toEqual(['C','B'])