import { Actions, Message, DraftHelpers, SyncbackDraftFilesTask, } from 'nylas-exports'; describe('DraftHelpers', function describeBlock() { describe('prepareDraftForSyncback', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(DraftHelpers, 'applyExtensionTransformsToDraft').andCallFake((draft) => Promise.resolve(draft)) spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask') }); it('queues tasks to upload files and send the draft', () => { const draft = new Message({ clientId: "local-123", threadId: "thread-123", uploads: ['stub'], }); const session = { ensureCorrectAccount() { return Promise.resolve() }, draft() { return draft }, } runs(() => { DraftHelpers.prepareDraftForSyncback(session); }); waitsFor(() => Actions.queueTask.calls.length > 0); runs(() => { const saveAttachments = Actions.queueTask.calls[0].args[0]; expect(saveAttachments instanceof SyncbackDraftFilesTask).toBe(true); expect(saveAttachments.draftClientId).toBe(draft.clientId); }); }); }); describe('shouldAppendQuotedText', () => { it('returns true if message is reply and has no marker', () => { const draft = { replyToMessageId: 1, body: `
`, } expect(DraftHelpers.shouldAppendQuotedText(draft)).toBe(true) }) it('returns false if message is reply and has marker', () => { const draft = { replyToMessageId: 1, body: `
Quoted Text`, } expect(DraftHelpers.shouldAppendQuotedText(draft)).toBe(false) }) it('returns false if message is not reply', () => { const draft = { body: `
`, } expect(DraftHelpers.shouldAppendQuotedText(draft)).toBe(false) }) }) });