import { React, PropTypes, Actions, SendActionsStore, SoundRegistry } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { Menu, RetinaImg, ButtonDropdown, ListensToFluxStore } from 'mailspring-component-kit'; class SendActionButton extends React.Component { static displayName = 'SendActionButton'; static containerRequired = false; static propTypes = { draft: PropTypes.object, isValidDraft: PropTypes.func, sendActions: PropTypes.array, orderedSendActions: PropTypes.object, }; primarySend() { this._onPrimaryClick(); } _onPrimaryClick = () => { const { orderedSendActions } = this.props; const { preferred } = orderedSendActions; this._onSendWithAction(preferred); }; _onSendWithAction = sendAction => { const { isValidDraft, draft } = this.props; if (isValidDraft()) { if (AppEnv.config.get('core.sending.sounds')) { SoundRegistry.playSound('hit-send'); } Actions.sendDraft(draft.headerMessageId, { actionKey: sendAction.configKey }); } }; _renderSendActionItem = ({ iconUrl }) => { let plusHTML = ''; let additionalImg = false; if (iconUrl) { plusHTML =  + ; additionalImg = ; } return ( Send{plusHTML} {additionalImg} ); }; _renderSingleButton() { const { sendActions } = this.props; return ( ); } _renderButtonDropdown() { const { orderedSendActions } = this.props; const { preferred, rest } = orderedSendActions; const menu = ( actionConfig.configKey} itemContent={this._renderSendActionItem} onSelect={this._onSendWithAction} /> ); return ( ); } render() { const { sendActions } = this.props; if (sendActions.length === 1) { return this._renderSingleButton(); } return this._renderButtonDropdown(); } } const EnhancedSendActionButton = ListensToFluxStore(SendActionButton, { stores: [SendActionsStore], getStateFromStores(props) { const { draft } = props; return { sendActions: SendActionsStore.availableSendActionsForDraft(draft), orderedSendActions: SendActionsStore.orderedSendActionsForDraft(draft), }; }, }); // TODO this is a hack so that the send button can still expose // the `primarySend` method required by the ComposerView. Ideally, this // decorator mechanism should expose whatever instance methods are exposed // by the component its wrapping. // However, I think the better fix will happen when mail merge lives in its // own window and doesn't need to override the Composer's send button, which // is already a bit of a hack. Object.assign(EnhancedSendActionButton.prototype, { primarySend() { if (this._composedComponent) { this._composedComponent.primarySend(); } }, }); EnhancedSendActionButton.UndecoratedSendActionButton = SendActionButton; export default EnhancedSendActionButton;