const Thread = require('../../src/flux/models/thread').default; const Folder = require('../../src/flux/models/folder').default; const Label = require('../../src/flux/models/label').default; const Message = require('../../src/flux/models/message').default; const FocusedContentStore = require('../../src/flux/stores/focused-content-store').default; const FocusedPerspectiveStore = require('../../src/flux/stores/focused-perspective-store').default; const MessageStore = require('../../src/flux/stores/message-store').default; const DatabaseStore = require('../../src/flux/stores/database-store').default; const ChangeUnreadTask = require('../../src/flux/tasks/change-unread-task').default; const Actions = require('../../src/flux/actions').default; const testThread = new Thread({ id: '123', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID }); const testMessage1 = new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), id: 'a', body: '123', files: [], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }); const testMessage2 = new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), id: 'b', body: '123', files: [], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }); const testMessage3 = new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), id: 'c', body: '123', files: [], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }); describe('MessageStore', function() { describe('when the receiving focus changes from the FocusedContentStore', function() { beforeEach(function() { if (MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer) { clearTimeout(MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer); MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer = null; } spyOn(MessageStore, '_onApplyFocusChange'); }); afterEach(function() { if (MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer) { clearTimeout(MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer); MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer = null; } }); describe('if no change has happened in the last 100ms', () => it('should apply immediately', function() { FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); })); describe('if a change has happened in the last 100ms', function() { it('should not apply immediately', function() { const noop = () => {}; MessageStore._onFocusChangedTimer = setTimeout(noop, 100); FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should apply 100ms after the last focus change and reset', function() { FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange.callCount).toBe(1); advanceClock(50); FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange.callCount).toBe(1); advanceClock(50); FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange.callCount).toBe(1); advanceClock(150); FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange.callCount).toBe(3); advanceClock(150); FocusedContentStore.trigger({ impactsCollection(c) { return true; }, }); expect(MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange.callCount).toBe(5); }); }); }); describe('items', function() { beforeEach(function() { MessageStore._showingHiddenItems = false; MessageStore._items = [ new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'trash' }), labels: [new Label({ displayName: 'bla' })], }), new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), labels: [new Label({ role: 'inbox' })], }), new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'spam' }), labels: [new Label({ displayName: 'bla' })], }), new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), labels: [] }), new Message({ folder: new Folder({ role: 'all' }), labels: [], draft: true }), ]; }); describe('when showing hidden items', () => it('should return the entire items array', function() { MessageStore._showingHiddenItems = true; expect(MessageStore.items().length).toBe(5); })); describe('when in trash or spam', () => it('should show only the message which are in trash or spam, and drafts', function() { spyOn(FocusedPerspectiveStore, 'current').andReturn({ categoriesSharedRole: () => 'trash', }); expect(MessageStore.items()).toEqual([ MessageStore._items[0], MessageStore._items[2], MessageStore._items[4], ]); })); describe('when in another folder', () => it('should hide all of the messages which are in trash or spam', function() { spyOn(FocusedPerspectiveStore, 'current').andReturn({ categoriesSharedRole: () => 'inbox', }); expect(MessageStore.items()).toEqual([ MessageStore._items[1], MessageStore._items[3], MessageStore._items[4], ]); })); }); describe('when applying focus changes', function() { beforeEach(function() { MessageStore._lastLoadedThreadId = null; this.focus = null; spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'focused').andCallFake(collection => { if (collection === 'thread') { return this.focus; } else { return null; } }); spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'focusedId').andCallFake(collection => { if (collection === 'thread') { return this.focus != null ? : undefined; } else { return null; } }); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'findAll').andCallFake(function() { return { include() { return this; }, where() { return this; }, then(callback) { return callback([testMessage1, testMessage2]); }, }; }); }); it('should retrieve the focused thread', function() { this.focus = testThread; MessageStore._thread = null; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); expect(DatabaseStore.findAll).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(DatabaseStore.findAll.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toBe(Message); }); describe('when the thread is already focused', () => it('should do nothing', function() { this.focus = testThread; MessageStore._thread = this.focus; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); expect(DatabaseStore.findAll).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); })); describe('when the thread is unread', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.focus = null; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); testThread.unread = true; spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andCallFake(key => { if (key === 'core.reading.markAsReadDelay') { return 600; } }); }); it('should queue a task to mark the thread as read', function() { this.focus = testThread; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof ChangeUnreadTask).toBe(true); }); it('should not queue a task to mark the thread as read if the thread is no longer selected 500msec later', function() { this.focus = testThread; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); this.focus = null; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not re-mark the thread as read when made unread', function() { this.focus = testThread; testThread.unread = false; MessageStore._onApplyFocusChange(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // This simulates a DB change or some attribute changing on the // thread. testThread.unread = true; MessageStore._fetchFromCache(); advanceClock(500); expect(Actions.queueTask).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when toggling expansion of all messages', function() { beforeEach(function() { MessageStore._items = [testMessage1, testMessage2, testMessage3]; spyOn(MessageStore, '_fetchExpandedAttachments'); }); it('should expand all when at default state', function() { MessageStore._itemsExpanded = { c: 'default' }; Actions.toggleAllMessagesExpanded(); expect(MessageStore._itemsExpanded).toEqual({ a: 'explicit', b: 'explicit', c: 'explicit' }); }); it('should expand all when at least one item is collapsed', function() { MessageStore._itemsExpanded = { b: 'explicit', c: 'explicit' }; Actions.toggleAllMessagesExpanded(); expect(MessageStore._itemsExpanded).toEqual({ a: 'explicit', b: 'explicit', c: 'explicit' }); }); it('should collapse all except the latest message when all expanded', function() { MessageStore._itemsExpanded = { a: 'explicit', b: 'explicit', c: 'explicit' }; Actions.toggleAllMessagesExpanded(); expect(MessageStore._itemsExpanded).toEqual({ c: 'explicit' }); }); }); });