{ComponentRegistry} = require 'nylas-exports' MyComposerButton = require './my-composer-button' MyMessageSidebar = require './my-message-sidebar' module.exports = # Activate is called when the package is loaded. If your package previously # saved state using `serialize` it is provided. # activate: (@state) -> ComponentRegistry.register MyComposerButton, role: 'Composer:ActionButton' ComponentRegistry.register MyMessageSidebar, role: 'sidebar:focusedContactInfo' # Serialize is called when your package is about to be unmounted. # You can return a state object that will be passed back to your package # when it is re-activated. # serialize: -> # This **optional** method is called when the window is shutting down, # or when your package is being updated or disabled. If your package is # watching any files, holding external resources, providing commands or # subscribing to events, release them here. # deactivate: -> ComponentRegistry.unregister(MyComposerButton) ComponentRegistry.unregister(MyMessageSidebar)