const {parseFromImap, parseSnippet, parseContacts} = require('../src/message-factory'); const {forEachJSONFixture, forEachHTMLAndTXTFixture, ACCOUNT_ID, getTestDatabase} = require('../helpers'); xdescribe('MessageFactory', function MessageFactorySpecs() { beforeEach(() => { waitsForPromise(async () => { const db = await getTestDatabase() const folder = await db.Folder.create({ id: 'test-folder-id', accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, version: 1, name: 'Test Folder', role: null, }); this.options = { accountId: ACCOUNT_ID, db, folder }; }) }) describe("parseFromImap", () => { forEachJSONFixture('MessageFactory/parseFromImap', (filename, json) => { it(`should correctly build message properties for ${filename}`, () => { const {imapMessage, desiredParts, result} = json; // requiring these to match makes it overly arduous to generate test // cases from real accounts const excludeKeys = new Set(['id', 'accountId', 'folderId', 'folder', 'labels']); waitsForPromise(async () => { const actual = await parseFromImap(imapMessage, desiredParts, this.options); for (const key of Object.keys(result)) { if (!excludeKeys.has(key)) { expect(actual[key]).toEqual(result[key]); } } }); }); }) }); }); const snippetTestCases = [{ purpose: 'trim whitespace in basic plaintext', body: '
The quick brown fox\n\n\tjumps over the lazy
', snippet: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy', }, { purpose: 'truncate long plaintext without breaking words', body: '
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and then the lazy dog rolls over and sighs. The fox turns around in a circle and then jumps onto a bush! It grins wickedly and wags its fat tail. As the lazy dog puts its head on its paws and cracks a sleepy eye open, a slow grin forms on its face. The fox has fallen into the bush and is yelping and squeaking.
', snippet: 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and then the lazy dog rolls over and sighs. The fox turns', }, { purpose: 'process basic HTML correctly', body: 'All About Ponies


Unicorns are native to the hillsides of Flatagonia.

', snippet: 'PONIES AND RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS Unicorns are native to the hillsides of Flatagonia.', }, { purpose: 'properly strip rogue styling inside of and trim whitespace in HTML', body: '\n \n \n \n

Look ma, no CSS!

', snippet: 'Look ma, no CSS!', }, { purpose: 'properly process
', body: '

Unicorns are

to the
hillsides of

', snippet: 'Unicorns are native to the hillsides of Flatagonia.', }, { purpose: 'properly strip out HTML comments', body: '

Unicorns arenative to the

', snippet: 'Unicorns are native to the', }, { purpose: "don't add extraneous spaces after text format markup", body: ` Hey there, Nylas!
You have a new follower on Product Hunt. `, snippet: 'Hey there, Nylas! You have a new follower on Product Hunt.', }, ] const contactsTestCases = [{ purpose: "not erroneously split contact names on commas", // NOTE: inputs must be in same format as output by mimelib.parseHeader input: ['"Little Bo Peep, The Hill" '], output: [{name: "Little Bo Peep, The Hill", email: ""}], }, { purpose: "extract two separate contacts, removing quotes properly & respecing unicode", input: ['AppleBees Zé , "Tiger Zen"'], output: [ {name: 'AppleBees Zé', email: ''}, {name: 'Tiger Zen', email: ''}, ], }, { purpose: "correctly concatenate multiple array elements (from multiple header lines)", input: ['Yubi Key ', 'Smokey the Bear '], output: [ {name: 'Yubi Key', email: ''}, {name: 'Smokey the Bear', email: ''}, ], }, ] describe('MessageFactoryHelpers', function MessageFactoryHelperSpecs() { describe('parseSnippet (basic)', () => { snippetTestCases.forEach(({purpose, body, snippet}) => { it(`should ${purpose}`, () => { const parsedSnippet = parseSnippet(body); expect(parsedSnippet).toEqual(snippet); }); }); }); describe('parseSnippet (real world)', () => { forEachHTMLAndTXTFixture('MessageFactory/parseSnippet', (filename, html, txt) => { it(`should correctly extract the snippet from the html`, () => { const parsedSnippet = parseSnippet(html); expect(parsedSnippet).toEqual(txt); }); }); }); describe('parseContacts (basic)', () => { contactsTestCases.forEach(({purpose, input, output}) => { it(`should ${purpose}`, () => { const parsedContacts = parseContacts(input); expect(parsedContacts).toEqual(output); }); }); }); });