{MessageStore, React, ReactDOM, FileDownloadStore, MessageBodyProcessor, Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' PGPKeyStore = require './pgp-key-store' PassphrasePopover = require './passphrase-popover' pgp = require 'kbpgp' class DecryptMessageButton extends React.Component @displayName: 'DecryptMessageButton' @propTypes: message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired constructor: (props) -> super(props) @state = @_getStateFromStores() _getStateFromStores: -> return { isDecrypted: PGPKeyStore.isDecrypted(@props.message) wasEncrypted: PGPKeyStore.hasEncryptedComponent(@props.message) encryptedAttachments: PGPKeyStore.fetchEncryptedAttachments(@props.message) status: PGPKeyStore.msgStatus(@props.message) } componentDidMount: -> @unlistenKeystore = PGPKeyStore.listen(@_onKeystoreChange, @) componentWillUnmount: -> @unlistenKeystore() _onKeystoreChange: -> @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) # every time a new key gets unlocked/fetched, try to decrypt this message if not @state.isDecrypted PGPKeyStore.decrypt(@props.message) _onClickDecrypt: (event) => popoverTarget = event.target.getBoundingClientRect() Actions.openPopover( , {originRect: popoverTarget, direction: 'down'} ) _onClickDecryptAttachments: (event) => popoverTarget = event.target.getBoundingClientRect() Actions.openPopover( , {originRect: popoverTarget, direction: 'down'} ) _decryptPopoverDone: (passphrase) => {message} = @props for recipient in message.to # right now, just try to unlock all possible keys # (many will fail - TODO?) privateKeys = PGPKeyStore.privKeys(address: recipient.email, timed: false) for privateKey in privateKeys PGPKeyStore.getKeyContents(key: privateKey, passphrase: passphrase) _decryptAttachmentsPopoverDone: (passphrase) => {message} = @props for recipient in message.to privateKeys = PGPKeyStore.privKeys(address: recipient.email, timed: false) for privateKey in privateKeys PGPKeyStore.getKeyContents(key: privateKey, passphrase: passphrase, callback: (identity) => PGPKeyStore.decryptAttachments(identity, @state.encryptedAttachments)) render: => # TODO inform user of errors/etc. instead of failing without showing it if not (@state.wasEncrypted or @state.encryptedAttachments.length > 0) return false # TODO a message saying "this was decrypted with the key for ___@___.com" title = if @state.isDecrypted then "Message Decrypted" else "Message Encrypted" decryptBody = false if !@state.isDecrypted decryptBody = decryptAttachments = false if @state.encryptedAttachments?.length == 1 decryptAttachments = title = "Attachment Encrypted" else if @state.encryptedAttachments?.length > 1 decryptAttachments = title = "Attachments Encrypted" if decryptAttachments or decryptBody decryptionInterface = (
{ decryptBody } { decryptAttachments }
{ title }
{ decryptionInterface }
module.exports = DecryptMessageButton