_ = require 'underscore-plus' React = require "react" SidebarFullContactChip = require "./sidebar-fullcontact-chip.cjsx" {Actions} = require 'inbox-exports' module.exports = SidebarFullContactDetails = React.createClass render: -> keys = Object.keys @props.data status = @props.data?.status if keys.length > 0 and status is 200
{@_makeHeader()} {@_makeProfiles()}
else _makeHeader: ->


_makeProfiles: ->
_getProfilePhoto: -> photos = @props.data.photos url = '' for photo in photos if photo.typeId == 'linkedin' return photo.url else if photo.typeId == 'gravatar' return photo.url else if photo.typeId == 'facbook' return photo.url else url = photo.url return url _getBio: -> @socialData = {} for profile in @props.data.socialProfiles @socialData[profile.typeId] = profile if @socialData.linkedin? return
_getSocialProfiles: -> rankedProfiles = ['linkedin', 'aboutme', 'twitter', 'googleplus', 'facebook', 'angellist', 'flickr', 'foursquare', 'github', 'bitbucket', 'goodreads', 'dribbble', 'hackernews', 'klout', 'lastfm', 'pinterest', 'quora', 'skype', 'soundcloud', 'stackoverflow', 'tripit', 'youtube', 'wordpress'] body = [] for profile in rankedProfiles if @socialData[profile]? if @socialData[profile].url? body.push
for k,v of @socialData if k not in rankedProfiles if v.url? body.push
return body