Utils = require "../../src/flux/models/utils" Message = require("../../src/flux/models/message").default Contact = require("../../src/flux/models/contact").default evan = new Contact name: "Evan Morikawa" email: "evan@nylas.com" ben = new Contact name: "Ben Gotow" email: "ben@nylas.com" team = new Contact name: "Nylas Team" email: "team@nylas.com" edgehill = new Contact name: "Edgehill" email: "edgehill@nylas.com" noEmail = new Contact name: "Edgehill" email: null me = new Contact name: TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME email: TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL almost_me = new Contact name: TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME email: "tester+12345@nylas.com" describe "Message", -> describe "detecting empty bodies", -> cases = [ { itMsg: "has plain br's and a signature" body: """ """ isEmpty: true }, { itMsg: "is an empty string" body: "" isEmpty: true }, { itMsg: "has plain text" body: "Hi" isEmpty: false }, { itMsg: "is null" body: null isEmpty: true }, { itMsg: "has empty tags" body: """ """ isEmpty: true }, { itMsg: "has nested characters" body: """ """ isEmpty: false }, { itMsg: "has just a signature" body: "Yo" isEmpty: true }, { itMsg: "has content after a signature" body: "YoYo" isEmpty: false }, ] cases.forEach ({itMsg, body, isEmpty}) -> it itMsg, -> msg = new Message(body: body, pristine: false, draft: true) expect(msg.hasEmptyBody()).toBe(isEmpty) it "correctly aggregates participants", -> m1 = new Message to: [] cc: null from: [] expect(m1.participants().length).toBe 0 m2 = new Message to: [evan] cc: [] bcc: [] from: [ben] expect(m2.participants().length).toBe 2 m3 = new Message to: [evan] cc: [evan] bcc: [evan] from: [evan] expect(m3.participants().length).toBe 1 m4 = new Message to: [evan] cc: [ben, team, noEmail] bcc: [team] from: [team] # because contact 4 has no email expect(m4.participants().length).toBe 3 m5 = new Message to: [evan] cc: [] bcc: [team] from: [ben] # because we exclude bccs expect(m5.participants().length).toBe 2 describe "participant replies", -> cases = [ # Basic cases { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [me] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [me] cc: [ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [ben] cc: [me] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [me] cc: [ben, team, evan] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben, team] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [me, ben, evan, ben, ben, evan] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [me, ben] cc: [team, edgehill] bcc: [evan, me, ben] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben, team, edgehill] } # From me (replying to a message I just sent) { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [me] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [me] cc: [] } { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [ben] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [ben] cc: [] } { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [ben, team, ben] cc: [edgehill] bcc: [] expected: to: [ben, team] cc: [edgehill] } { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [ben, team, ben] cc: [edgehill] bcc: [] expected: to: [ben, team] cc: [edgehill] } # From me in cases my similar alias is used { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [almost_me] cc: [ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [almost_me] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [me] to: [me, almost_me, me] cc: [ben, almost_me, me, me, ben, ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [me] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [almost_me] to: [me] cc: [ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [me] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [almost_me] to: [almost_me] cc: [ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [almost_me] cc: [ben] } # Cases when I'm on email lists { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [team] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [team] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [team] cc: [ben, edgehill] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [team, ben, edgehill] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [team] cc: [me] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [team] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [team, me] cc: [ben] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [team, ben] } # Cases when I'm bcc'd { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [] cc: [] bcc: [me] expected: to: [evan] cc: [] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [ben] cc: [] bcc: [me] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [ben] cc: [team, edgehill] bcc: [me] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben, team, edgehill] } # Cases my similar alias is used { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [almost_me] cc: [] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [ben] cc: [almost_me] bcc: [] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } { msg: new Message from: [evan] to: [ben] cc: [] bcc: [almost_me] expected: to: [evan] cc: [ben] } ] itString = (prefix, msg) -> return "#{prefix} from: #{msg.from.map( (c) -> c.email).join(', ')} | to: #{msg.to.map( (c) -> c.email).join(', ')} | cc: #{msg.cc.map( (c) -> c.email).join(', ')} | bcc: #{msg.bcc.map( (c) -> c.email).join(', ')}" it "thinks me and almost_me are equivalent", -> expect(Utils.emailIsEquivalent(me.email, almost_me.email)).toBe true expect(Utils.emailIsEquivalent(ben.email, me.email)).toBe false cases.forEach ({msg, expected}) -> it itString("Reply All:", msg), -> expect(msg.participantsForReplyAll()).toEqual expected it itString("Reply:", msg), -> {to, cc} = msg.participantsForReply() expect(to).toEqual expected.to expect(cc).toEqual [] describe "participantsForReplyAll", ->