React = require 'react' _ = require 'underscore' {RetinaImg, Flexbox} = require 'nylas-component-kit' PreferencesStore = require './preferences-store' PreferencesHeader = require './preferences-header' class Preferences extends React.Component @displayName: 'Preferences' constructor: (@props) -> @state = _.extend @getStateFromStores(), activeTab: PreferencesStore.tabs()[0] componentDidMount: => @unlisteners = [] @unlisteners.push PreferencesStore.listen => @setState(@getStateFromStores()) @unlisteners.push atom.config.observe null, (val) => @setState(@getStateFromStores()) componentWillUnmount: => unlisten() for unlisten in @unlisteners componentDidUpdate: => if @state.tabs.length > 0 and not @state.activeTab @setState(activeTab: @state.tabs[0]) getStateFromStores: => config: @getConfigWithMutators() tabs: PreferencesStore.tabs() getConfigWithMutators: => _.extend atom.config.get(), { get: (key) => atom.config.get(key) set: (key, value) => atom.config.set(key, value) return toggle: (key) => atom.config.set(key, !atom.config.get(key)) return contains: (key, val) => vals = atom.config.get(key) return false unless vals and vals instanceof Array return val in vals toggleContains: (key, val) => vals = atom.config.get(key) vals = [] unless vals and vals instanceof Array if val in vals atom.config.set(key, _.without(vals, val)) else atom.config.set(key, vals.concat([val])) return } render: => if @state.activeTab bodyElement = <@state.activeTab.component config={@state.config} /> else bodyElement =
No Tab Active
_onChangeActiveTab: (tab) => @setState(activeTab: tab) module.exports = Preferences