const proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); const React = require('react'); const ReactDOM = require('react-dom'); const ReactTestUtils = require('react-dom/test-utils'); const { Contact, Message, File, Thread, AttachmentStore, MessageBodyProcessor, } = require('mailspring-exports'); class MessageItemBody extends React.Component { render() { return
; } } const { InjectedComponent } = require('mailspring-component-kit'); const file = new File({ id: 'file_1_id', filename: 'a.png', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_not_downloaded = new File({ id: 'file_2_id', filename: 'b.png', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_inline = new File({ id: 'file_inline_id', filename: 'c.png', contentId: 'file_inline_id', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_inline_downloading = new File({ id: 'file_inline_downloading_id', filename: 'd.png', contentId: 'file_inline_downloading_id', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_inline_not_downloaded = new File({ id: 'file_inline_not_downloaded_id', filename: 'e.png', contentId: 'file_inline_not_downloaded_id', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_cid_but_not_referenced = new File({ id: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced', filename: 'f.png', contentId: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image = new File({ id: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image', filename: 'ansible notes.txt', contentId: 'file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image', contentType: 'text/plain', size: 300, }); const file_without_filename = new File({ id: 'file_without_filename', contentType: 'image/png', size: 10, }); const download = { fileId: 'file_1_id' }; const download_inline = { fileId: 'file_inline_downloading_id' }; const user_1 = new Contact({ name: 'User One', email: '', }); const user_2 = new Contact({ name: 'User Two', email: '', }); const user_3 = new Contact({ name: 'User Three', email: '', }); const user_4 = new Contact({ name: 'User Four', email: '', }); const MessageItem = proxyquire('../lib/message-item', { './message-item-body': MessageItemBody }); const MessageTimestamp = require('../lib/message-timestamp').default; xdescribe('MessageItem', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(AttachmentStore, 'pathForFile').andCallFake(function(f) { if ( === { return '/fake/path.png'; } if ( === { return '/fake/path-inline.png'; } if ( === { return '/fake/path-downloading.png'; } return null; }); spyOn(AttachmentStore, 'getDownloadDataForFiles').andCallFake(ids => ({ file_1_id: download, file_inline_downloading_id: download_inline, })); spyOn(MessageBodyProcessor, '_addToCache').andCallFake(function() {}); this.message = new Message({ id: '111', from: [user_1], to: [user_2], cc: [user_3, user_4], bcc: null, body: 'Body One', date: new Date(1415814587), draft: false, files: [], unread: false, snippet: 'snippet one...', subject: 'Subject One', threadId: 'thread_12345', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }); this.thread = new Thread({ id: 'thread-111', accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }); this.threadParticipants = [user_1, user_2, user_3, user_4]; // Generate the test component. Should be called after @message is configured // for the test, since MessageItem assumes attributes of the message will not // change after getInitialState runs. this.createComponent = param => { if (param == null) { param = {}; } let { collapsed } = param; if (collapsed == null) { collapsed = false; } this.component = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ); }; }); // TODO: We currently don't support collapsed messages // describe "when collapsed", -> // beforeEach -> // @createComponent({collapsed: true}) // // it "should not render the EmailFrame", -> // expect( -> ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(@component, EmailFrameStub)).toThrow() // // it "should have the `collapsed` class", -> // expect(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@component).className.indexOf('collapsed') >= 0).toBe(true) describe('when displaying detailed headers', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.createComponent({ collapsed: false }); this.component.setState({ detailedHeaders: true }); }); it('correctly sets the participant states', function() { const participants = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass( this.component, 'expanded-participants' ); expect(participants.length).toBe(2); expect(function() { return ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass( this.component, 'collapsed-participants' ); }).toThrow(); }); it('correctly sets the timestamp', function() { const ts = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(this.component, MessageTimestamp); expect(ts.props.isDetailed).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when not collapsed', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.createComponent({ collapsed: false }); }); it('should render the MessageItemBody', function() { const frame = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(this.component, MessageItemBody); expect(frame).toBeDefined(); }); it('should not have the `collapsed` class', function() { expect(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.component).className.indexOf('collapsed') >= 0).toBe(false); }); }); xdescribe('when the message contains attachments', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.message.files = [ file, file_not_downloaded, file_cid_but_not_referenced, file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image, file_inline, file_inline_downloading, file_inline_not_downloaded, file_without_filename, ]; this.message.body = `\ A B C \ `; this.createComponent(); }); it('should include the attachments area', function() { const attachments = ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass( this.component, 'attachments-area' ); expect(attachments).toBeDefined(); }); it('injects a MessageAttachments component for any present attachments', function() { const els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps( this.component, InjectedComponent, { matching: { role: 'MessageAttachments' } } ); expect(els.length).toBe(1); }); it('should list attachments that are not mentioned in the body via cid', function() { const els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps( this.component, InjectedComponent, { matching: { role: 'MessageAttachments' } } ); const attachments = els[0].props.exposedProps.files; expect(attachments.length).toEqual(5); expect(attachments[0]).toBe(file); expect(attachments[1]).toBe(file_not_downloaded); expect(attachments[2]).toBe(file_cid_but_not_referenced); expect(attachments[3]).toBe(file_cid_but_not_referenced_or_image); }); it('should provide the correct file download state for each attachment', function() { const els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps( this.component, InjectedComponent, { matching: { role: 'MessageAttachments' } } ); const { downloads } = els[0].props.exposedProps; expect(downloads['file_1_id']).toBe(download); expect(downloads['file_not_downloaded']).toBe(undefined); }); it('should still list attachments when the message has no body', function() { this.message.body = ''; this.createComponent(); const els = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithTypeAndProps( this.component, InjectedComponent, { matching: { role: 'MessageAttachments' } } ); const attachments = els[0].props.exposedProps.files; expect(attachments.length).toEqual(8); }); }); });