import React from 'react'; import {Actions, AccountStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import {RetinaImg} from 'nylas-component-kit'; import OnboardingActions from './onboarding-actions'; export default class WelcomePage extends React.Component { static displayName = "WelcomePage"; _onContinue = () => { Actions.recordUserEvent('Welcome Page Finished'); OnboardingActions.moveToPage("tutorial"); } _renderContent(isFirstAccount) { if (isFirstAccount) { return (

Welcome to Nylas N1

) } return (

Welcome back!

This month we're launching Nylas Pro. As an existing user, you'll receive a coupon for your first year free. Create a Nylas ID to continue using N1, and look out for a coupon email!

) } render() { const isFirstAccount = (AccountStore.accounts().length === 0); return (
); } }