path = require('path') spellchecker = require('spellchecker') {remote} = require('electron') MenuItem = remote.MenuItem class NylasSpellchecker constructor: -> @languageAvailable = false @cache = {} lang = navigator.language @setLanguage(lang) isLanguageAvailable: (lang) => return false unless lang dicts = @getAvailableDictionaries() return (lang in dicts) or (lang.split(/[-_]/)[0] in dicts) or (lang.replace('_', '-') in dicts) or (lang.replace('-', '_') in dicts) isSpelledCorrectly: (args...) => not @isMisspelled(args...) setLanguage: (lang="", dict=@_getHunspellDictionary()) -> @languageAvailable = @isLanguageAvailable(lang) if @languageAvailable spellCheck = @isSpelledCorrectly else spellCheck = -> true # Need to default to a valid language so web-frame # `setSpellCheckProvder` gets a non empty string if lang.length is 0 then lang = "en-US" @_setWebframeSpellchecker(lang, spellCheck) # On Mac we defer to NSSpellChecker # On Windows we use the Windows Spell Check API # # Both of those automatically provide a set of dictionaries based on # the language string. # # On Windows 10 you can see the dictionaries that are available by # looking in: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Spelling # # The `dict` parameter is ignored by node-spellchecker # # On Linux and old versions of windows we default back to the hunspell # dictionary spellchecker.setDictionary(lang, dict) # Separate method for testing _setWebframeSpellchecker: (lang, spellCheck) -> require('electron').webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider(lang, false, {spellCheck}) # node-spellchecker's method for resolving the builtin hunspell # dictionaries for Linux (From # _getHunspellDictionary: -> dict = path.join(require.resolve('spellchecker'), '..', '..', 'vendor', 'hunspell_dictionaries') try # HACK: Special case being in an asar archive unpacked = dict.replace('.asar' + path.sep, '.asar.unpacked' + path.sep) if require('fs').statSyncNoException(unpacked) dict = unpacked catch dict #### spellchecker methods #### setDictionary: (lang, dict) => @setLanguage(lang, dict) add: (word) => delete @cache[word] spellchecker.add(word) isMisspelled: (word) => if @languageAvailable @cache[word] ?= spellchecker.isMisspelled(word) @cache[word] else false getAvailableDictionaries: -> if process.platform is 'linux' arr = spellchecker.getAvailableDictionaries() if "en_US" not in arr arr.push('en_US') # Installed by default in node-spellchecker's vendor directory arr else spellchecker.getAvailableDictionaries() ? [] getCorrectionsForMisspelling: (args...) => if @languageAvailable spellchecker.getCorrectionsForMisspelling(args...) else return [] appendSpellingItemsToMenu: ({menu, word, onCorrect, onDidLearn}) => if @isMisspelled(word) corrections = @getCorrectionsForMisspelling(word) if corrections.length > 0 corrections.forEach (correction) => menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: correction, click: -> onCorrect(correction) })) else menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'No Guesses Found', enabled: false})) menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Learn Spelling', click: => @add(word) onDidLearn?(word) })) menu.append(new MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })) Spellchecker: => @ module.exports = new NylasSpellchecker()