import _ from 'underscore'; import MailspringStore from 'mailspring-store'; import { MessageStore } from 'mailspring-exports'; class GithubStore extends MailspringStore { // It's very common practive for {MailspringStore}s to listen to other parts of N1. // Since Stores are singletons and constructed once on `require`, there is no // teardown step to turn off listeners. constructor() { super(); this.listenTo(MessageStore, this._onMessageStoreChanged); } // This is the only public method on `GithubStore` and it's read only. // All {MailspringStore}s ONLY have reader methods. No setter methods. Use an // `Action` instead! // // This is the computed & cached value that our `ViewOnGithubButton` will // render. link() { return this._link; } // Private methods _onMessageStoreChanged() { if (!MessageStore.threadId()) { return; } const itemIds = _.pluck(MessageStore.items(), 'id'); if (itemIds.length === 0 || _.isEqual(itemIds, this._lastItemIds)) { return; } this._lastItemIds = itemIds; this._link = this._isRelevantThread() ? this._findGitHubLink() : null; this.trigger(); } _findGitHubLink() { let msg = MessageStore.items()[0]; if (!msg.body) { // The msg body may be null if it's collapsed. In that case, use the // last message. This may be less relaiable since the last message // might be a side-thread that doesn't contain the link in the quoted // text. msg = _.last(MessageStore.items()); } // Use a regex to parse the message body for GitHub URLs - this is a quick // and dirty method to determine the GitHub object the email is about: // const re = //gim; const firstMatch = re.exec(msg.body); if (firstMatch) { // [0] is the full match and [1] is the matching group return firstMatch[1]; } return null; } _isRelevantThread() { const participants = MessageStore.thread().participants || []; const githubDomainRegex = /@github\.com/gi; return participants.some(contact => githubDomainRegex.test(; } } /* IMPORTANT NOTE: All {MailspringStore}s are constructed upon their first `require` by another module. Since `require` is cached, they are only constructed once and are therefore singletons. */ export default new GithubStore();