fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' os = require 'os' # This is the main Gruntfile that manages building Edgehill distributions. # The reason it's inisde of the build/ folder is so everything can be # compiled against Node's v8 headers instead of Atom's v8 headers. All # packages in the root-level node_modules are compiled against Atom's v8 # headers. # # Some useful grunt options are: # --instal-dir # --build-dir # # To keep the various directories straight, here are what the various # directories might look like on MacOS # # tmpDir: /var/folders/xl/_qdlmc512sb6cpqryy_2tzzw0000gn/T/ (aka /tmp) # # buildDir = /tmp/edgehill-build # shellAppDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill.app # contentsDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill.app/Contents # appDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill.app/Contents/Resources/app # # installDir = /Applications/Edgehil.app # # And on Linux: # # tmpDir: /tmp/ # # buildDir = /tmp/edgehill-build # shellAppDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill # contentsDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill # appDir = /tmp/edgehill-build/Edgehill/resources/app # # installDir = /usr/local OR $INSTALL_PREFIX # binDir = /usr/local/bin # shareDir = /usr/local/share/edgehill # Add support for obselete APIs of vm module so we can make some third-party # modules work under node v0.11.x. require 'vm-compatibility-layer' _ = require 'underscore-plus' packageJson = require '../package.json' # Shim harmony collections in case grunt was invoked without harmony # collections enabled _.extend(global, require('harmony-collections')) unless global.WeakMap? module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-coffeelint-cjsx') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-lesslint') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-cson') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-csslint') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-coffee-react') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-coffee') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-download-atom-shell') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-atom-shell-installer') grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-peg') grunt.loadTasks('tasks') # This allows all subsequent paths to the relative to the root of the repo grunt.file.setBase(path.resolve('..')) # Commented out because it was causing normal grunt message to dissapear # for some reason. # if not grunt.option('verbose') # grunt.log.writeln = (args...) -> grunt.log # grunt.log.write = (args...) -> grunt.log [major, minor, patch] = packageJson.version.split('.') tmpDir = os.tmpdir() appName = if process.platform is 'darwin' then 'Edgehill.app' else 'Edgehill' buildDir = grunt.option('build-dir') ? path.join(tmpDir, 'edgehill-build') buildDir = path.resolve(buildDir) installDir = grunt.option('install-dir') home = if process.platform is 'win32' then process.env.USERPROFILE else process.env.HOME atomShellDownloadDir = path.join(home, '.inbox', 'atom-shell') symbolsDir = path.join(buildDir, 'Atom.breakpad.syms') shellAppDir = path.join(buildDir, appName) if process.platform is 'win32' contentsDir = shellAppDir appDir = path.join(shellAppDir, 'resources', 'app') installDir ?= path.join(process.env.ProgramFiles, appName) killCommand = 'taskkill /F /IM edgehill.exe' else if process.platform is 'darwin' contentsDir = path.join(shellAppDir, 'Contents') appDir = path.join(contentsDir, 'Resources', 'app') installDir ?= path.join('/Applications', appName) killCommand = 'pkill -9 Edgehill' else contentsDir = shellAppDir appDir = path.join(shellAppDir, 'resources', 'app') installDir ?= process.env.INSTALL_PREFIX ? '/usr/local' killCommand ='pkill -9 edgehill' installDir = path.resolve(installDir) cjsxConfig = glob_to_multiple: expand: true src: [ 'src/**/*.cjsx' 'internal_pacakges/**/*.cjsx' ] dest: appDir ext: '.js' coffeeConfig = glob_to_multiple: expand: true src: [ 'src/**/*.coffee' 'internal_pacakges/**/*.coffee' 'exports/**/*.coffee' 'static/**/*.coffee' ] dest: appDir ext: '.js' lessConfig = options: paths: [ 'static/variables' 'static' ] glob_to_multiple: expand: true src: [ 'static/**/*.less' ] dest: appDir ext: '.css' prebuildLessConfig = src: [ 'static/**/*.less' ] csonConfig = options: rootObject: true cachePath: path.join(home, '.inbox', 'compile-cache', 'grunt-cson') glob_to_multiple: expand: true src: [ 'menus/*.cson' 'keymaps/*.cson' 'static/**/*.cson' ] dest: appDir ext: '.json' pegConfig = glob_to_multiple: expand: true src: ['src/**/*.pegjs'] dest: appDir ext: '.js' for child in fs.readdirSync('node_modules') when child isnt '.bin' directory = path.join('node_modules', child) metadataPath = path.join(directory, 'package.json') continue unless grunt.file.isFile(metadataPath) {engines, theme} = grunt.file.readJSON(metadataPath) if engines?.atom? coffeeConfig.glob_to_multiple.src.push("#{directory}/**/*.coffee") lessConfig.glob_to_multiple.src.push("#{directory}/**/*.less") prebuildLessConfig.src.push("#{directory}/**/*.less") unless theme csonConfig.glob_to_multiple.src.push("#{directory}/**/*.cson") pegConfig.glob_to_multiple.src.push("#{directory}/**/*.pegjs") grunt.initConfig pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json') atom: {appDir, appName, symbolsDir, buildDir, contentsDir, installDir, shellAppDir} docsOutputDir: 'docs/output' coffee: coffeeConfig cjsx: cjsxConfig less: lessConfig 'prebuild-less': prebuildLessConfig cson: csonConfig peg: pegConfig coffeelint: options: configFile: 'coffeelint.json' src: [ 'internal_packages/**/*.cjsx' 'internal_packages/**/*.coffee' 'dot-inbox/**/*.coffee' 'exports/**/*.coffee' 'src/**/*.coffee' ] build: [ 'build/tasks/**/*.coffee' 'build/Gruntfile.coffee' ] test: [ 'spec/*.coffee' 'spec-inbox/*.cjsx' 'spec-inbox/*.coffee' ] target: grunt.option("target")?.split(" ") or [] csslint: options: 'adjoining-classes': false 'duplicate-background-images': false 'box-model': false 'box-sizing': false 'bulletproof-font-face': false 'compatible-vendor-prefixes': false 'display-property-grouping': false 'fallback-colors': false 'font-sizes': false 'gradients': false 'ids': false 'important': false 'known-properties': false 'outline-none': false 'overqualified-elements': false 'qualified-headings': false 'unique-headings': false 'universal-selector': false 'vendor-prefix': false src: [ 'static/**/*.css' ] lesslint: src: [ 'static/**/*.less' ] options: imports: ['variables/*.less'] 'download-atom-shell': version: packageJson.atomShellVersion outputDir: 'atom-shell' downloadDir: atomShellDownloadDir rebuild: true # rebuild native modules after atom-shell is updated token: process.env.ATOM_ACCESS_TOKEN 'create-windows-installer': appDirectory: shellAppDir outputDirectory: path.join(buildDir, 'installer') authors: 'InboxApp Inc.' loadingGif: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'resources', 'win', 'loading.gif') iconUrl: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/atom/atom/master/resources/win/atom.ico' setupIcon: path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'resources', 'win', 'edgehill.ico') shell: 'kill-atom': command: killCommand options: stdout: false stderr: false failOnError: false grunt.registerTask('compile', ['coffee', 'cjsx', 'prebuild-less', 'cson', 'peg']) grunt.registerTask('lint', ['coffeelint', 'csslint', 'lesslint']) grunt.registerTask('test', ['shell:kill-atom', 'run-edgehill-specs']) grunt.registerTask('docs', ['markdown:guides', 'build-docs']) ciTasks = ['output-disk-space', 'download-atom-shell', 'build'] ciTasks.push('dump-symbols') if process.platform isnt 'win32' ciTasks.push('set-version', 'lint') ciTasks.push('mkdeb') if process.platform is 'linux' ciTasks.push('test') if process.platform is 'darwin' ciTasks.push('codesign') ciTasks.push('mkdmg') if process.platform is 'darwin' ciTasks.push('create-windows-installer') if process.platform is 'win32' ciTasks.push('publish-edgehill-build') if process.platform is 'darwin' # ciTasks.push('publish-build') grunt.registerTask('ci', ciTasks) defaultTasks = ['download-atom-shell', 'build', 'set-version'] # We don't run `install` on linux because you need to run `sudo`. # See docs/build-instructions/linux.md # `sudo script/grunt install` defaultTasks.push 'mkdmg' if process.platform is 'darwin' defaultTasks.push 'install' unless process.platform is 'linux' grunt.registerTask('default', defaultTasks)