class ContenteditableTestHarness { constructor(client) { this.client = client; } init() { return this.client.execute(() => { ce = document.querySelector(".contenteditable") ce.innerHTML = "" ce.focus() }) } test({keys, expectedHTML, expectedSelectionResolver}) { return this.client.keys(keys).then(()=>{ return this.expectHTML(expectedHTML) }).then(()=>{ return this.expectSelection(expectedSelectionResolver) }) } expectHTML(expectedHTML) { return this.client.execute(() => { return document.querySelector(".contenteditable").innerHTML }).then(({value})=>{ expect(value).toBe(expectedHTML) }) } expectSelection(callback) { // Since `execute` fires parameters to Selenium via REST API, we can // only pass strings. We serialize the callback so we can run it in // the correct execution environment of the window instead of the // Selenium wrapper. return this.client.execute((callbackStr) => { eval(`callback=${callbackStr}`); ce = document.querySelector(".contenteditable") expectSel = callback(ce) anchorNode = expectSel.anchorNode || expectSel.node || "No anchorNode found" focusNode = expectSel.focusNode || expectSel.node || "No focusNode found" anchorOffset = expectSel.anchorOffset || expectSel.offset || 0 focusOffset = expectSel.focusOffset || expectSel.offset || 0 nodeData = (node) => { if(node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return } else { return node.outerHTML } } selection = document.getSelection() return { anchorNodeMatch: selection.anchorNode === anchorNode, focusNodeMatch: selection.focusNode === focusNode, anchorOffsetMatch: selection.anchorOffset === anchorOffset, focusOffsetMatch: selection.focusOffset === focusOffset, expectedAnchorNode: nodeData(anchorNode), expectedFocusNode: nodeData(focusNode), expectedAnchorOffset: anchorOffset, expectedFocusOffset: focusOffset, actualAnchorNode: nodeData(selection.anchorNode), actualFocusNode: nodeData(selection.focusNode), actualAnchorOffset: selection.anchorOffset, actualFocusOffset: selection.focusOffset, } }, callback.toString()).then(({value}) => { matchInfo = value allMatched = true; if (!matchInfo.anchorNodeMatch) { console.errorColor("\nAnchor nodes don't match") console.errorColor(`Expected: "${matchInfo.actualAnchorNode}" to be "${matchInfo.expectedAnchorNode}"`); allMatched = false; } if (!matchInfo.focusNodeMatch) { console.errorColor("\nFocus nodes don't match") console.errorColor(`Expected: "${matchInfo.actualFocusNode}" to be "${matchInfo.expectedFocusNode}"`); allMatched = false; } if (!matchInfo.anchorOffsetMatch) { console.errorColor("\nAnchor offsets don't match") console.errorColor(`Expected: ${matchInfo.actualAnchorOffset} to be ${matchInfo.expectedAnchorOffset}`); allMatched = false; } if (!matchInfo.focusOffsetMatch) { console.errorColor("\nFocus offsets don't match") console.errorColor(`Expected: ${matchInfo.actualFocusOffset} to be ${matchInfo.expectedFocusOffset}`); allMatched = false; } outMsgDescription = "matched. See discrepancies above" if (allMatched) { outMsg = outMsgDescription } else { outMsg = "Selection" } // "Expected Selection to be matched. See discrepancies above" expect(outMsg).toBe(outMsgDescription); }) } } module.exports = ContenteditableTestHarness