import {shell, ipcRenderer} from 'electron'; import {React, Account, AccountStore, Actions} from 'nylas-exports'; import {Notification} from 'nylas-component-kit'; export default class AccountErrorNotification extends React.Component { static displayName = 'AccountErrorNotification'; constructor() { super(); this.state = this.getStateFromStores(); } componentDidMount() { this.unlisten = AccountStore.listen(() => this.setState(this.getStateFromStores())); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unlisten(); } getStateFromStores() { return { accounts: AccountStore.accounts(), } } _onContactSupport = () => { shell.openExternal(""); } _onReconnect = (existingAccount) => { ipcRenderer.send('command', 'application:add-account', {existingAccount}); } _onOpenAccountPreferences = () => { Actions.switchPreferencesTab('Accounts'); Actions.openPreferences() } _onCheckAgain(account) { if (account) { Actions.wakeLocalSyncWorkerForAccount( return } const erroredAccounts = this.state.accounts.filter(a => a.hasSyncStateError()); erroredAccounts.forEach(acc => Actions.wakeLocalSyncWorkerForAccount( } render() { const erroredAccounts = this.state.accounts.filter(a => a.hasSyncStateError()); let title; let subtitle; let subtitleAction; let actions; if (erroredAccounts.length === 0) { return } else if (erroredAccounts.length > 1) { title = "Several of your accounts are having issues"; actions = [{ label: "Check Again", fn: () => this._onCheckAgain(), }, { label: "Manage", fn: this._onOpenAccountPreferences, }]; } else { const erroredAccount = erroredAccounts[0]; switch (erroredAccount.syncState) { case Account.SYNC_STATE_N1_CLOUD_AUTH_FAILED: title = `Cannot authenticate Nylas Mail Cloud Services with ${erroredAccount.emailAddress}`; actions = [{ label: "Check Again", fn: () => this._onCheckAgain(erroredAccount), }, { label: 'Reconnect', fn: () => this._onReconnect(erroredAccount), }]; break; case Account.SYNC_STATE_AUTH_FAILED: title = `Cannot authenticate with ${erroredAccount.emailAddress}`; actions = [{ label: "Check Again", fn: () => this._onCheckAgain(erroredAccount), }, { label: 'Reconnect', fn: () => this._onReconnect(erroredAccount), }]; break; default: title = `Encountered an error while syncing ${erroredAccount.emailAddress}`; subtitle = "Contact support"; subtitleAction = this._onContactSupport; actions = [{ label: "Check Again", fn: () => this._onCheckAgain(erroredAccount), }]; } } return ( ) } }