React = require 'react'
shell = require 'shell'
classnames = require 'classnames'
{RetinaImg, TimeoutTransitionGroup} = require 'nylas-component-kit'
OnboardingActions = require './onboarding-actions'
class WelcomePage extends React.Component
@displayName: "WelcomePage"
constructor: (@props) ->
@state =
step: 0
lastStep: 0
render: ->
closeType = if @props.pageData.addingAccount then "close" else "quit"
atom[closeType]() }>
_renderButtons: ->
buttons = []
# if @state.step > 0
# buttons.push Back
btnText = if @state.step is 2 then "Get Started" else "Continue"
return buttons
_renderSteps: -> [
_stepClass: (n) ->
obj =
"step-wrap": true
"active": @state.step is n
obj["step-#{n}-wrap"] = true
className = classnames(obj)
return className
_renderStep0: ->
N1 is a new email app that is fast,
friendly, and easy to use.
It is the foundation for a highly extensible email experience
_renderStep1: ->
Under the hood, N1 is built for developers.
You can extend it using packages and build your own components.
_gears: ->
gears = []
for i in [0..3]
return gears
_renderStep2: ->
N1 is secured and enhanced by the Nylas Sync Engine
_open: (link) ->
_renderNavBubble: (step=0) ->
bubbles = [0..2].map (n) =>
active = if n is step then "active" else ""
@setState step: n }>
_onBack: =>
@setState(step: @state.step - 1)
_onContinue: =>
if @state.step < 2
@setState(step: @state.step + 1)
module.exports = WelcomePage