import fs from 'fs'; import { remote } from 'electron'; import {Message, DraftStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import TemplateStore from '../lib/template-store'; const { shell } = remote; const stubTemplatesDir = '~/.nylas/templates'; const stubTemplateFiles = { 'template1.html': '
', 'template2.html': 'bla2
', }; const stubTemplates = [ {id: 'template1.html', name: 'template1', path: `${stubTemplatesDir}/template1.html`}, {id: 'template2.html', name: 'template2', path: `${stubTemplatesDir}/template2.html`}, ]; xdescribe('TemplateStore', function templateStore() { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(fs, 'mkdir'); spyOn(shell, 'showItemInFolder').andCallFake(() => {}); spyOn(fs, 'writeFile').andCallFake((path, contents, callback) => { callback(null); }); spyOn(fs, 'readFile').andCallFake((path, callback) => { const filename = path.split('/').pop(); callback(null, stubTemplateFiles[filename]); }); }); it('should create the templates folder if it does not exist', () => { spyOn(fs, 'exists').andCallFake((path, callback) => callback(false)); TemplateStore._init(stubTemplatesDir); expect(fs.mkdir).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should expose templates in the templates directory', () => { let watchCallback; spyOn(fs, 'exists').andCallFake((path, callback) => { callback(true); }); spyOn(fs, 'watch').andCallFake((path, callback) => { watchCallback = callback }); spyOn(fs, 'readdir').andCallFake((path, callback) => { callback(null, Object.keys(stubTemplateFiles)); }); TemplateStore._init(stubTemplatesDir); watchCallback(); expect(TemplateStore.items()).toEqual(stubTemplates); }); it('should watch the templates directory and reflect changes', () => { let watchCallback = null; let watchFired = false; spyOn(fs, 'exists').andCallFake((path, callback) => callback(true)); spyOn(fs, 'watch').andCallFake((path, callback) => { watchCallback = callback }); spyOn(fs, 'readdir').andCallFake((path, callback) => { if (watchFired) { callback(null, Object.keys(stubTemplateFiles)); } else { callback(null, []); } }); TemplateStore._init(stubTemplatesDir); expect(TemplateStore.items()).toEqual([]); watchFired = true; watchCallback(); expect(TemplateStore.items()).toEqual(stubTemplates); }); describe('insertTemplateId', () => { xit('should insert the template with the given id into the draft with the given id', () => { let watchCallback; spyOn(fs, 'exists').andCallFake((path, callback) => { callback(true); }); spyOn(fs, 'watch').andCallFake((path, callback) => { watchCallback = callback }); spyOn(fs, 'readdir').andCallFake((path, callback) => { callback(null, Object.keys(stubTemplateFiles)); }); TemplateStore._init(stubTemplatesDir); watchCallback(); const add = jasmine.createSpy('add'); spyOn(DraftStore, 'sessionForClientId').andCallFake(() => { return Promise.resolve({changes: {add}}); }); runs(() => { TemplateStore._onInsertTemplateId({ templateId: 'template1.html', draftClientId: 'localid-draft', }); }); waitsFor(() => add.calls.length > 0); runs(() => { expect(add).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ body: stubTemplateFiles['template1.html'], }); }); }); }); describe('onCreateTemplate', () => { beforeEach(() => { let d; spyOn(DraftStore, 'sessionForClientId').andCallFake((draftClientId) => { if (draftClientId === 'localid-nosubject') { d = new Message({subject: '', body: 'Body
'}); } else { d = new Message({subject: 'Subject', body: 'Body
'}); } const session = {draft() { return d; }}; return Promise.resolve(session); }); TemplateStore._init(stubTemplatesDir); }); xit('should create a template with the given name and contents', () => { const ref = TemplateStore.items(); TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({name: '123', contents: 'bla'}); const item = (ref != null ? ref[0] : undefined); expect('123.html'); expect('123'); expect(item.path.split('/').pop()).toBe('123.html'); }); xit('should display an error if no name is provided', () => { spyOn(TemplateStore, '_displayError'); TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({contents: 'bla'}); expect(TemplateStore._displayError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); xit('should display an error if no content is provided', () => { spyOn(TemplateStore, '_displayError'); TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({name: 'bla'}); expect(TemplateStore._displayError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); xit('should save the template file to the templates folder', () => { TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({name: '123', contents: 'bla'}); const path = `${stubTemplatesDir}/123.html`; expect(fs.writeFile).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(fs.writeFile.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toEqual(path); expect(fs.writeFile.mostRecentCall.args[1]).toEqual('bla'); }); xit('should open the template so you can see it', () => { TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({name: '123', contents: 'bla'}); expect(shell.showItemInFolder).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when given a draft id', () => { xit('should create a template from the name and contents of the given draft', () => { spyOn(TemplateStore, 'trigger'); spyOn(TemplateStore, '_populate'); runs(() => { TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({draftClientId: 'localid-b'}); }); waitsFor(() => TemplateStore.trigger.callCount > 0); runs(() => { expect(TemplateStore.items().length).toEqual(1); }); }); it('should display an error if the draft has no subject', () => { spyOn(TemplateStore, '_displayError'); spyOn(fs, 'watch'); runs(() => { TemplateStore._onCreateTemplate({draftClientId: 'localid-nosubject'}); }); waitsFor(() => TemplateStore._displayError.callCount > 0); runs(() => { expect(TemplateStore._displayError).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe('onShowTemplates', () => { xit('should open the templates folder in the Finder', () => { TemplateStore._onShowTemplates(); expect(shell.showItemInFolder).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });