Reflux = require 'reflux' _ = require 'underscore-plus' SearchView = require './search-view' {DatabaseStore, DatabaseView, NamespaceStore, WorkspaceStore, AddRemoveTagsTask, FocusedTagStore, FocusedContentStore, Actions, Utils, Thread, Message} = require 'inbox-exports' module.exports = ThreadListStore = Reflux.createStore init: -> @_resetInstanceVars() @_afterViewUpdate = [] @listenTo Actions.searchQueryCommitted, @_onSearchCommitted @listenTo Actions.selectLayoutMode, @_autofocusForLayoutMode @listenTo Actions.archiveAndPrevious, @_onArchiveAndPrev @listenTo Actions.archiveAndNext, @_onArchiveAndNext @listenTo Actions.archiveCurrentThread, @_onArchive @listenTo Actions.selectThreads, @_onSetSelection @listenTo DatabaseStore, @_onDataChanged @listenTo FocusedTagStore, @_onTagChanged @listenTo NamespaceStore, @_onNamespaceChanged _resetInstanceVars: -> @_lastQuery = null @_searchQuery = null view: -> @_view setView: (view) -> @_viewUnlisten() if @_viewUnlisten @_view = view @_viewUnlisten = view.listen -> @trigger(@) fn() for fn in @_afterViewUpdate @_afterViewUpdate = [] @_autofocusForLayoutMode() ,@ @trigger(@) createView: -> tagId = FocusedTagStore.tagId() namespaceId = NamespaceStore.current()?.id if @_searchQuery @setView(new SearchView(@_searchQuery, namespaceId)) else if namespaceId and tagId matchers = [] matchers.push Thread.attributes.namespaceId.equal(namespaceId) matchers.push Thread.attributes.tags.contains(tagId) if tagId isnt "*" @setView new DatabaseView Thread, {matchers}, (item) -> DatabaseStore.findAll(Message, {threadId:}) Actions.focusInCollection(collection: 'thread', item: null) # Inbound Events _onTagChanged: -> @createView() _onNamespaceChanged: -> @createView() _onSearchCommitted: (query) -> @_searchQuery = query @createView() _onSetSelection: (threads) -> @_view.selection.set(threads) _onDataChanged: (change) -> if change.objectClass is @_view.invalidate({changed: change.objects, shallow: true}) if change.objectClass is threadIds = _.uniq change.objects, (m) -> m.threadId @_view.invalidateMetadataFor(threadIds) _onArchive: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy('auto') _onArchiveAndPrev: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy(-1) _onArchiveAndNext: -> @_archiveAndShiftBy(1) _archiveAndShiftBy: (offset) -> layoutMode = WorkspaceStore.selectedLayoutMode() selected = FocusedContentStore.focused('thread') return unless selected # Determine the index of the current thread index = @_view.indexOfId( return if index is -1 if offset is 'auto' if layoutMode is 'list' # If the user is in list mode, return to the thread lit Actions.focusInCollection(collection: 'thread', item: null) return else if layoutMode is 'split' # If the user is in split mode, automatically select another # thead when they archive the current one. We move up if the one above # the current thread is unread. Otherwise move down. thread = @_view.get(index - 1) if thread?.isUnread() offset = -1 else offset = 1 index = Math.min(Math.max(index + offset, 0), @_view.count() - 1) next = @_view.get(index) # Archive the current thread task = new AddRemoveTagsTask(selected, ['archive'], ['inbox']) Actions.queueTask(task) Actions.postNotification({message: "Archived thread", type: 'success'}) @_afterViewUpdate.push -> Actions.focusInCollection(collection: 'thread', item: next) _autofocusForLayoutMode: -> focusedId = FocusedContentStore.focusedId('thread') if WorkspaceStore.selectedLayoutMode() is "split" and not focusedId _.defer => Actions.focusInCollection(collection: 'thread', item: @_view.get(0))