_ = require 'underscore' React = require "react" {Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' {RetinaImg} = require 'nylas-component-kit' class SidebarFullContactDetails extends React.Component @displayName: "SidebarFullContactDetails" @propTypes: contact: React.PropTypes.object fullContactData: React.PropTypes.object render: =>


_socialProfiles: => profiles = @_profiles() return profiles.map (profile) =>
{@_username(profile)} {@_twitterBio(profile)}
_profiles: => profiles = @props.fullContactData.socialProfiles ? [] profiles = _.filter profiles, (p) => @_supportedProfileTypes[p.typeId] _supportedProfileTypes: twitter: true linkedin: true facebook: true _showSocialProfiles: => @_profiles().length > 0 _username: (profile) => if (profile.username ? "").length > 0 if profile.typeId is "twitter" return "@#{profile.username}" else return profile.username else return profile.typeName _noInfo: => if not @_showSocialProfiles() and not @_showSubheader()
No additional information available.
else return "" _twitterBio: (profile) => return "" unless profile.typeId is "twitter" return "" unless profile.bio?.length > 0 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/13398311/793472 twitterRegex = /(^|[^@\w])@(\w{1,15})\b/g replace = '$1@$2' bio = profile.bio.replace(twitterRegex, replace)
_showSubheader: => @_title().length > 0 or @_company().length > 0 _name: => (@props.fullContactData.contactInfo?.fullName) ? @props.contact?.name ? "" _email: => email = @props.contact.email ? "" if @_name().toLowerCase().trim() isnt email.toLowerCase().trim() return email else return "" _title: => org = @_primaryOrg() return "" unless org? if org.current and org.title? return org.title else if not org.current and org.title? return "Former #{org.title}" else return "" _company: => location = @props.fullContactData.demographics?.locationGeneral ? "" name = @_primaryOrg()?.name ? "" if name.length > 0 and location.length > 0 return "#{name} (#{location})" else if name.length > 0 return name else if location.length > 0 return "(#{location})" else return "" _primaryOrg: => orgs = @props.fullContactData.organizations ? [] org = _.findWhere orgs, isPrimary: true if not org? then org = orgs[0] return org _profilePhoto: => photos = @props.fullContactData.photos ? [] photo = _.findWhere photo, isPrimary: true if not photo? then photo = _.findWhere photo, typeId: "linkedin" if not photo? then photo = photos[0] if photo? and photo.url? return else return "" module.exports = SidebarFullContactDetails