React = require 'react' _ = require 'underscore' _str = require 'underscore.string' ### This component renders input controls for a subtree of the N1 config-schema and reads/writes current values using the `config` prop, which is expected to be an instance of the config provided by `ConfigPropContainer`. The config schema follows the JSON Schema standard: ### class ConfigSchemaItem extends React.Component @displayName: 'ConfigSchemaItem' @propTypes: config: React.PropTypes.object configSchema: React.PropTypes.object keyPath: React.PropTypes.string render: -> return false unless @_appliesToPlatform() if @props.configSchema.type is 'object'


{_.pairs( ([key, value]) => }
else if @props.configSchema['enum']?
else if @props.configSchema.type is 'boolean'
else _appliesToPlatform: => return true if not @props.configSchema.platforms? return true if process.platform in @props.configSchema.platforms return false _onChangeChecked: => @props.config.toggle(@props.keyPath) _onChangeValue: (event) => @props.config.set(@props.keyPath, module.exports = ConfigSchemaItem