_ = require 'underscore' {NylasAPI, NylasAPIRequest, Event, Actions, APIError, EventRSVPTask, DatabaseStore, DatabaseTransaction, AccountStore} = require 'nylas-exports' describe "EventRSVPTask", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'find').andCallFake => Promise.resolve(@event) spyOn(DatabaseTransaction.prototype, 'persistModel').andCallFake -> Promise.resolve() @myName = "Ben Tester" @myEmail = "tester@nylas.com" @event = new Event id: '12233AEDF5' accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID title: 'Meeting with Ben Bitdiddle' description: '' location: '' when: end_time: 1408123800 start_time: 1408120200 start: 1408120200 end: 1408123800 participants: [ {"name": "Ben Bitdiddle", "email": "ben@bitdiddle.com", "status": "yes"}, {"name": @myName, "email": @myEmail, "status": 'noreply'} ] @task = new EventRSVPTask(@event, @myEmail, "no") describe "performLocal", -> it "should mark our status as no", -> @task.performLocal() advanceClock() expect(@event.participants[1].status).toBe "no" it "should trigger an action to persist the change", -> @task.performLocal() advanceClock() expect(DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled() describe "performRemote", -> it "should make the POST request to the message endpoint", -> spyOn(NylasAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake => new Promise (resolve,reject) -> @task.performRemote() options = NylasAPIRequest.prototype.run.mostRecentCall.args[0] expect(options.path).toBe("/send-rsvp") expect(options.method).toBe('POST') expect(options.accountId).toBe(@event.accountId) expect(options.body.event_id).toBe(@event.id) expect(options.body.status).toBe("no") describe "when the remote API request fails", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(NylasAPIRequest.prototype, 'run').andCallFake -> Promise.reject(new APIError(body: '', statusCode: 400)) it "should not be marked with the status", -> @event = new Event id: '12233AEDF5' title: 'Meeting with Ben Bitdiddle' description: '' location: '' when: end_time: 1408123800 start_time: 1408120200 start: 1408120200 end: 1408123800 participants: [ {"name": "Ben Bitdiddle", "email": "ben@bitdiddle.com", "status": "yes"}, {"name": @myName, "email": @myEmail, "status": 'noreply'} ] @task = new EventRSVPTask(@event, @myEmail, "no") @task.performLocal() @task.performRemote() advanceClock() expect(@event.participants[1].status).toBe "noreply" it "should trigger an action to persist the change", -> @task.performLocal() @task.performRemote() advanceClock() expect(DatabaseTransaction.prototype.persistModel).toHaveBeenCalled()