React = require 'react' ReactDOM = require 'react-dom' {Utils} = require 'nylas-exports' {InjectedComponentSet} = require 'nylas-component-kit' class CollapsedParticipants extends React.Component @displayName: "CollapsedParticipants" @propTypes: # Arrays of Contact objects. to: React.PropTypes.array cc: React.PropTypes.array bcc: React.PropTypes.array # Notifies parent when the component has been clicked. This is usually # used to expand the participants field onClick: React.PropTypes.func @defaultProps: to: [] cc: [] bcc: [] constructor: (@props={}) -> @_keyPrefix = Utils.generateTempId() @state = numToDisplay: 999 numRemaining: 0 numBccRemaining: 0 componentDidMount: -> @_setNumHiddenParticipants() shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) => not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state) componentDidUpdate: -> @_setNumHiddenParticipants() componentWillReceiveProps: -> # Always re-evaluate the hidden participant count when the participant set changes @setState({ numToDisplay: 999 numRemaining: 0 numBccRemaining: 0 }) render: -> contacts = bcc = toDisplay = contacts.concat(bcc) toDisplay = toDisplay[0...@state.numToDisplay] if toDisplay.length is 0 then toDisplay = "Recipients"
@props.onClick?()} ref="participantsWrap" className="collapsed-composer-participants"> {@_renderNumRemaining()} {toDisplay}
_renderNumRemaining: -> if @state.numRemaining is 0 and @state.numBccRemaining is 0 return null else if @state.numRemaining > 0 and @state.numBccRemaining is 0 str = "#{@state.numRemaining} more" else if @state.numRemaining is 0 and @state.numBccRemaining > 0 str = "#{@state.numBccRemaining} Bcc" else if @state.numRemaining > 0 and @state.numBccRemaining > 0 str = "#{@state.numRemaining + @state.numBccRemaining} more (#{@state.numBccRemaining} Bcc)" return
_collapsedContact: (contact) => name = contact.displayName() key = @_keyPrefix + + {name} _collapsedBccContact: (contact, i) => name = contact.displayName() key = @_keyPrefix + + if i is 0 then name = "Bcc: #{name}" {name} _setNumHiddenParticipants: -> $wrap = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(@refs.participantsWrap) $regulars = $wrap.getElementsByClassName("regular-contact") $bccs = $wrap.getElementsByClassName("bcc-contact") availableSpace = $wrap.getBoundingClientRect().width numRemaining = + numBccRemaining = @props.bcc.length numToDisplay = 0 widthAccumulator = 0 for $p in $regulars widthAccumulator += $p.getBoundingClientRect().width break if widthAccumulator >= availableSpace numRemaining -= 1 numToDisplay += 1 for $p in $bccs widthAccumulator += $p.getBoundingClientRect().width break if widthAccumulator >= availableSpace numBccRemaining -= 1 numToDisplay += 1 @setState {numToDisplay, numRemaining, numBccRemaining} module.exports = CollapsedParticipants