# Extended: Wraps an {Array} of `String`s. The Array describes a path from the # root of the syntax tree to a token including _all_ scope names for the entire # path. # # Methods that take a `ScopeDescriptor` will also accept an {Array} of {Strings} # scope names e.g. `['.source.js']`. # # You can use `ScopeDescriptor`s to get language-specific config settings via # {Config::get}. # # You should not need to create a `ScopeDescriptor` directly. # # * {Editor::getRootScopeDescriptor} to get the language's descriptor. # * {Editor::scopeDescriptorForBufferPosition} to get the descriptor at a # specific position in the buffer. # * {Cursor::getScopeDescriptor} to get a cursor's descriptor based on position. module.exports = class ScopeDescriptor @fromObject: (scopes) -> if scopes instanceof ScopeDescriptor scopes else new ScopeDescriptor({scopes}) ### Section: Construction and Destruction ### # Public: Create a {ScopeDescriptor} object. # # * `object` {Object} # * `scopes` {Array} of {String}s constructor: ({@scopes}) -> # Public: Returns an {Array} of {String}s getScopesArray: -> @scopes getScopeChain: -> @scopes .map (scope) -> scope = ".#{scope}" unless scope[0] is '.' scope .join(' ')