import {Message, SignatureStore} from 'nylas-exports'; import SignatureComposerExtension from '../lib/signature-composer-extension'; const TEST_ID = 1 const TEST_SIGNATURE = { id: TEST_ID, title: 'test-sig', body: '
This is my signature.
', } const TEST_SIGNATURES = {} TEST_SIGNATURES[TEST_ID] = TEST_SIGNATURE describe('SignatureComposerExtension', function signatureComposerExtension() { describe("prepareNewDraft", () => { describe("when a signature is defined", () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(NylasEnv.config, 'get').andCallFake((key) => (key === 'nylas.signatures' ? TEST_SIGNATURES : null) ); spyOn(SignatureStore, 'signatureForEmail').andReturn(TEST_SIGNATURE) SignatureStore.activate() }); it("should insert the signature at the end of the message or before the first quoted text block and have a newline", () => { const a = new Message({ draft: true, from: [''], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, body: 'This is a test!
Hello world
', }); const b = new Message({ draft: true, from: [''], accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, body: 'This is a another test.', }); SignatureComposerExtension.prepareNewDraft({draft: a}); expect(a.body).toEqual(`This is a test! ${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}
Hello world
`); SignatureComposerExtension.prepareNewDraft({draft: b}); expect(b.body).toEqual(`This is a another test.

${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}`); }); const scenarios = [ { name: 'With blockquote', body: `This is a test!
Hello world
`, expected: `This is a test! ${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}
Hello world
`, }, { name: 'Populated signature div', body: `This is a test!
`, expected: `This is a test! ${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}`, }, { name: 'Empty signature div', body: 'This is a test! ', expected: `This is a test! ${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}`, }, { name: 'With newlines', body: 'This is a test!
', expected: `This is a test!
${TEST_SIGNATURE.body}`, }, ] scenarios.forEach((scenario) => { it(`should replace the signature if a signature is already present (${})`, () => { const message = new Message({ draft: true, from: [''], body: scenario.body, accountId: TEST_ACCOUNT_ID, }) SignatureComposerExtension.prepareNewDraft({draft: message}); expect(message.body).toEqual(scenario.expected) }); }); }); }); });