{Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' {ipcRenderer, remote} = require('electron') module.exports = activate: (@state) -> # Populate our initial state directly from the auto update manager. updater = remote.getGlobal('application').autoUpdateManager @_unlisten = Actions.notificationActionTaken.listen(@_onNotificationActionTaken, @) configVersion = NylasEnv.config.get("lastVersion") currentVersion = NylasEnv.getVersion() if configVersion and configVersion isnt currentVersion NylasEnv.config.set("lastVersion", currentVersion) @displayThanksNotification() if updater.getState() is 'update-available' @displayNotification(updater.releaseVersion) NylasEnv.onUpdateAvailable ({releaseVersion, releaseNotes} = {}) => @displayNotification(releaseVersion) displayThanksNotification: -> Actions.postNotification type: 'info' tag: 'app-update' sticky: true message: "You're running the latest version of N1 - view the changelog to see what's new.", icon: 'fa-magic' actions: [{ dismisses: true label: 'Thanks' id: 'release-bar:no-op' },{ default: true dismisses: true label: 'See What\'s New' id: 'release-bar:view-changelog' }] displayNotification: (version) -> version = if version then "(#{version})" else '' Actions.postNotification type: 'info' tag: 'app-update' sticky: true message: "An update to N1 is available #{version} - click to update now!", icon: 'fa-flag' actions: [{ label: 'See What\'s New' id: 'release-bar:view-changelog' },{ label: 'Install Now' dismisses: true default: true id: 'release-bar:install-update' }] deactivate: -> @_unlisten() _onNotificationActionTaken: ({notification, action}) -> if action.id is 'release-bar:install-update' ipcRenderer.send 'command', 'application:install-update' true if action.id is 'release-bar:view-changelog' require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://github.com/nylas/N1/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md') false