_ = require 'underscore' React = require 'react/addons' ReactTestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils proxyquire = require 'proxyquire' {NylasTestUtils, AccountStore, ContactStore, Contact, Utils, } = require 'nylas-exports' ParticipantsTextField = proxyquire '../lib/participants-text-field', 'nylas-exports': {Contact, ContactStore} participant1 = new Contact email: 'ben@nylas.com' participant2 = new Contact email: 'ben@example.com' name: 'Ben Gotow' participant3 = new Contact email: 'evan@nylas.com' name: 'Evan Morikawa' participant4 = new Contact email: 'ben@elsewhere.com', name: 'ben Again' participant5 = new Contact email: 'evan@elsewhere.com', name: 'EVAN' describe 'ParticipantsTextField', -> beforeEach -> @propChange = jasmine.createSpy('change') @fieldName = 'to' @tabIndex = '100' @participants = to: [participant1, participant2] cc: [participant3] bcc: [] @renderedField = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument( ) @renderedInput = React.findDOMNode(ReactTestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(@renderedField, 'input')) @expectInputToYield = (input, expected) -> ReactTestUtils.Simulate.change(@renderedInput, {target: {value: input}}) ReactTestUtils.Simulate.keyDown(@renderedInput, {key: 'Enter', keyCode: 9}) reviver = (k,v) -> return undefined if k in ["id", "object"] return v found = @propChange.mostRecentCall.args[0] found = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(found), reviver) expected = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(expected), reviver) expect(found).toEqual(expected) it 'renders into the document', -> expect(ReactTestUtils.isCompositeComponentWithType @renderedField, ParticipantsTextField).toBe(true) it 'applies the tabIndex provided to the inner input', -> expect(@renderedInput.tabIndex/1).toBe(@tabIndex/1) describe "inserting participant text", -> it "should fire onChange with an updated participants hash", -> @expectInputToYield 'abc@abc.com', to: [participant1, participant2, new Contact(name: 'abc@abc.com', email: 'abc@abc.com')] cc: [participant3] bcc: [] it "should remove added participants from other fields", -> @expectInputToYield participant3.email, to: [participant1, participant2, new Contact(name: participant3.email, email: participant3.email)] cc: [] bcc: [] it "should use the name of an existing contact in the ContactStore if possible", -> spyOn(ContactStore, 'searchContacts').andCallFake (val, options) -> return [participant3] if val is participant3.email return [] @expectInputToYield participant3.email, to: [participant1, participant2, participant3] cc: [] bcc: [] it "should not allow the same contact to appear multiple times", -> spyOn(ContactStore, 'searchContacts').andCallFake (val, options) -> return [participant2] if val is participant2.email return [] @expectInputToYield participant2.email, to: [participant1, participant2] cc: [participant3] bcc: [] describe "when text contains Name (Email) formatted data", -> it "should correctly parse it into named Contact objects", -> newContact1 = new Contact(name:'Ben Imposter', email:'imposter@nylas.com') newContact2 = new Contact(name:'Nylas Team', email:'feedback@nylas.com') inputs = [ "Ben Imposter , Nylas Team ", "\n\nbla\nBen Imposter (imposter@nylas.com), Nylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)", "Hello world! I like cheese. \rBen Imposter (imposter@nylas.com)\nNylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)", "Ben ImposterNylas Team (feedback@nylas.com)" ] for input in inputs @expectInputToYield input, to: [participant1, participant2, newContact1, newContact2] cc: [participant3] bcc: [] describe "when text contains emails mixed with garbage text", -> it "should still parse out emails into Contact objects", -> newContact1 = new Contact(name:'garbage-man@nylas.com', email:'garbage-man@nylas.com') newContact2 = new Contact(name:'recycling-guy@nylas.com', email:'recycling-guy@nylas.com') inputs = [ "Hello world I real. \n asd. garbage-man@nylas.com—he's cool Also 'recycling-guy@nylas.com'!", "garbage-man@nylas.com|recycling-guy@nylas.com", "garbage-man@nylas.com1WHOA I REALLY HATE DATA,recycling-guy@nylas.com", "nils.com garbage-man@nylas.com @nylas.com nope@.com nope!recycling-guy@nylas.com HOLLA AT recycling-guy@nylas." ] for input in inputs @expectInputToYield input, to: [participant1, participant2, newContact1, newContact2] cc: [participant3] bcc: []