import { Thread, Actions, Contact, Message, Account, DraftStore, DatabaseStore, SoundRegistry, DestroyDraftTask, ComposerExtension, ExtensionRegistry, FocusedContentStore, } from 'mailspring-exports'; import { remote } from 'electron'; import DraftFactory from '../../src/flux/stores/draft-factory'; class TestExtension extends ComposerExtension { static prepareNewDraft({ draft }) { draft.body = `Edited by TestExtension! ${draft.body}`; } } xdescribe('DraftStore', function draftStore() { beforeEach(() => { this.fakeThread = new Thread({ id: 'fake-thread', headerMessageId: 'fake-thread' }); this.fakeMessage = new Message({ id: 'fake-message', headerMessageId: 'fake-message' }); spyOn(AppEnv, 'newWindow').andCallFake(() => {}); spyOn(DatabaseStore, 'run').andCallFake(query => { if (query._klass === Thread) { return Promise.resolve(this.fakeThread); } if (query._klass === Message) { return Promise.resolve(this.fakeMessage); } if (query._klass === Contact) { return Promise.resolve(null); } return Promise.reject(new Error(`Not Stubbed for class ${}`)); }); for (const headerMessageId of Object.keys(DraftStore._draftSessions)) { const sess = DraftStore._draftSessions[headerMessageId]; if (sess.teardown) { DraftStore._doneWithSession(sess); } } DraftStore._draftSessions = {}; }); describe('creating and opening drafts', () => { beforeEach(() => { const draft = new Message({ id: 'A', subject: 'B', headerMessageId: 'A', body: '123' }); this.newDraft = draft; spyOn(DraftFactory, 'createDraftForReply').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); spyOn(DraftFactory, 'createOrUpdateDraftForReply').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); spyOn(DraftFactory, 'createDraftForForward').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); spyOn(DraftFactory, 'createDraft').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); }); it('should always attempt to focus the new draft', () => { DraftStore._onComposeReply({ threadId:, messageId:, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); advanceClock(); advanceClock(); }); describe('context', () => { it('can accept IDs for thread and message arguments', () => { DraftStore._onComposeReply({ threadId:, messageId:, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); advanceClock(); expect(DraftFactory.createOrUpdateDraftForReply).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ thread: this.fakeThread, message: this.fakeMessage, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); }); it('can accept models for thread and message arguments', () => { DraftStore._onComposeReply({ thread: this.fakeThread, message: this.fakeMessage, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); advanceClock(); expect(DraftFactory.createOrUpdateDraftForReply).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ thread: this.fakeThread, message: this.fakeMessage, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); }); it('can accept only a thread / threadId, and use the last message on the thread', () => { DraftStore._onComposeReply({ thread: this.fakeThread, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); advanceClock(); expect(DraftFactory.createOrUpdateDraftForReply).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ thread: this.fakeThread, message: this.fakeMessage, type: 'reply', behavior: 'prefer-existing', }); }); }); describe('popout behavior', () => { it('can popout a reply', () => { runs(() => { DraftStore._onComposeReply({ threadId:, messageId:, type: 'reply', popout: true, }); }); waitsFor(() => { return DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.callCount > 0; }); runs(() => { expect(AppEnv.newWindow).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ title: 'Message', hidden: true, windowKey: `composer-A`, windowType: 'composer', windowProps: { draftHeaderMessageId: 'A', draftJSON: this.newDraft.toJSON() }, }); }); }); it('can popout a forward', () => { runs(() => { DraftStore._onComposeForward({ threadId:, messageId:, popout: true, }); }); waitsFor(() => { return DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.callCount > 0; }); runs(() => { expect(AppEnv.newWindow).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ title: 'Message', hidden: true, windowKey: `composer-A`, windowType: 'composer', windowProps: { draftHeaderMessageId: 'A', draftJSON: this.newDraft.toJSON() }, }); }); }); }); }); describe('onDestroyDraft', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.draftSessionTeardown = jasmine.createSpy('draft teardown'); this.session = { draft() { return { pristine: false }; }, changes: { commit() { return Promise.resolve(); }, teardown() {}, }, teardown: this.draftSessionTeardown, }; DraftStore._draftSessions = { abc: this.session }; spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); }); it('should teardown the draft session, ensuring no more saves are made', () => { DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('abc'); expect(this.draftSessionTeardown).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not throw if the draft session is not in the window', () => { expect(() => DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('other')).not.toThrow(); }); it('should queue a destroy draft task', () => { DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('abc'); expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof DestroyDraftTask).toBe(true); }); it('should clean up the draft session', () => { spyOn(DraftStore, '_doneWithSession'); DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('abc'); expect(DraftStore._doneWithSession).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.session); }); it("should close the window if it's a popout", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'close'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'isComposerWindow').andReturn(true); DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('abc'); expect(AppEnv.close).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should NOT close the window if isn't a popout", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'close'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'isComposerWindow').andReturn(false); DraftStore._onDestroyDraft('abc'); expect(AppEnv.close).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('before unloading', () => { it('should destroy pristine drafts', () => { DraftStore._draftSessions = { abc: { changes: {}, draft() { return { pristine: true }; }, }, }; spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); DraftStore._onBeforeUnload(false); expect(Actions.queueTask).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(Actions.queueTask.mostRecentCall.args[0] instanceof DestroyDraftTask).toBe(true); }); describe('when drafts return unresolved commit promises', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.resolve = null; DraftStore._draftSessions = { abc: { changes: { commit: () => new Promise(resolve => { this.resolve = resolve; }), }, draft() { return { pristine: false }; }, }, }; }); it('should return false and call window.close itself', () => { const callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); expect(DraftStore._onBeforeUnload(callback)).toBe(false); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); this.resolve(); advanceClock(1000); advanceClock(1000); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when drafts return immediately fulfilled commit promises', () => { beforeEach(() => { DraftStore._draftSessions = { abc: { changes: { commit: () => Promise.resolve() }, draft() { return { pristine: false }; }, }, }; }); it('should still wait one tick before firing AppEnv.close again', () => { const callback = jasmine.createSpy('callback'); expect(DraftStore._onBeforeUnload(callback)).toBe(false); expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); advanceClock(); advanceClock(1000); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when there are no drafts', () => { beforeEach(() => { DraftStore._draftSessions = {}; }); it('should return true and allow the window to close', () => { expect(DraftStore._onBeforeUnload()).toBe(true); }); }); }); describe('sending a draft', () => { beforeEach(() => { this.draft = new Message({ headerMessageId: 'local-123', threadId: 'thread-123', replyToHeaderMessageId: 'message-123@localhost', files: ['stub'], }); DraftStore._draftSessions = {}; DraftStore._draftsSending = {}; this.forceCommit = false; const session = { prepare() { return Promise.resolve(session); }, teardown() {}, draft: () => this.draft, changes: { commit: ({ force } = {}) => { this.forceCommit = force; return Promise.resolve(); }, }, }; DraftStore._draftSessions[this.draft.headerMessageId] = session; spyOn(DraftStore, '_doneWithSession').andCallThrough(); spyOn(DraftStore, 'trigger'); spyOn(SoundRegistry, 'playSound'); spyOn(Actions, 'queueTask'); }); it('plays a sound immediately when sending draft', () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andReturn(true); DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); advanceClock(); expect(AppEnv.config.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('core.sending.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).toHaveBeenCalledWith('hit-send'); }); it("doesn't plays a sound if the setting is off", () => { spyOn(AppEnv.config, 'get').andReturn(false); DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); advanceClock(); expect(AppEnv.config.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('core.sending.sounds'); expect(SoundRegistry.playSound).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('sets the sending state when sending', () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); advanceClock(); expect(DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId)).toBe(true); }); // Since all changes haven't been applied yet, we want to ensure that // no view of the draft renders the draft as if its sending, but with // the wrong text. it('does NOT trigger until the latest changes have been applied', () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); runs(() => { DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(DraftStore.trigger).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); waitsFor(() => { return Actions.queueTask.calls.length > 0; }); runs(() => { // Normally, the session.changes.commit will persist to the // Database. Since that's stubbed out, we need to manually invoke // to database update event to get the trigger (which we want to // test) to fire DraftStore._onDataChanged({ objectClass: 'Message', objects: [{ draft: true }], }); expect(DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId)).toBe(true); expect(DraftStore.trigger).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(DraftStore.trigger.calls.length).toBe(1); }); }); it("returns false if the draft hasn't been seen", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); expect(DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId)).toBe(false); }); it("closes the window if it's a popout", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'getWindowType').andReturn('composer'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(false); spyOn(AppEnv, 'close'); runs(() => { return DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); }); waitsFor('Mailspring to close', () => AppEnv.close.calls.length > 0); }); it("doesn't close the window if it's inline", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'getWindowType').andReturn('other'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(false); spyOn(AppEnv, 'close'); spyOn(AppEnv, 'isComposerWindow').andCallThrough(); runs(() => { DraftStore._onSendDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId); }); waitsFor(() => AppEnv.isComposerWindow.calls.length > 0); runs(() => { expect(AppEnv.close).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it("resets the sending state if there's an error", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(false); DraftStore._draftsSending[this.draft.headerMessageId] = true; Actions.draftDeliveryFailed({ errorMessage: 'boohoo', draftheaderMessageId: this.draft.headerMessageId, }); expect(DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId)).toBe(false); expect(DraftStore.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.draft.headerMessageId); }); it("displays a popup in the main window if there's an error", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'focused').andReturn({ id: 't1' }); spyOn(remote.dialog, 'showMessageBox'); spyOn(Actions, 'composePopoutDraft'); DraftStore._draftsSending[this.draft.headerMessageId] = true; Actions.draftDeliveryFailed({ threadId: 't1', errorMessage: 'boohoo', draftheaderMessageId: this.draft.headerMessageId, }); advanceClock(400); expect(DraftStore.isSendingDraft(this.draft.headerMessageId)).toBe(false); expect(DraftStore.trigger).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(remote.dialog.showMessageBox).toHaveBeenCalled(); const dialogArgs = remote.dialog.showMessageBox.mostRecentCall.args[1]; expect(dialogArgs.detail).toEqual('boohoo'); expect(Actions.composePopoutDraft).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("re-opens the draft if you're not looking at the thread", () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'focused').andReturn({ id: 't1' }); spyOn(Actions, 'composePopoutDraft'); DraftStore._draftsSending[this.draft.headerMessageId] = true; Actions.draftDeliveryFailed({ threadId: 't2', errorMessage: 'boohoo', draftheaderMessageId: this.draft.headerMessageId, }); advanceClock(400); expect(Actions.composePopoutDraft).toHaveBeenCalled(); const call = Actions.composePopoutDraft.calls[0]; expect(call.args[0]).toBe(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(call.args[1]).toEqual({ errorMessage: 'boohoo' }); }); it('re-opens the draft if there is no thread id', () => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); spyOn(Actions, 'composePopoutDraft'); DraftStore._draftsSending[this.draft.headerMessageId] = true; spyOn(FocusedContentStore, 'focused').andReturn(null); Actions.draftDeliveryFailed({ errorMessage: 'boohoo', draftheaderMessageId: this.draft.headerMessageId, }); advanceClock(400); expect(Actions.composePopoutDraft).toHaveBeenCalled(); const call = Actions.composePopoutDraft.calls[0]; expect(call.args[0]).toBe(this.draft.headerMessageId); expect(call.args[1]).toEqual({ errorMessage: 'boohoo' }); }); }); describe('session teardown', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); this.draftTeardown = jasmine.createSpy('draft teardown'); this.session = { headerMessageId: 'abc', draft() { return { pristine: false }; }, changes: { commit() { return Promise.resolve(); }, reset() {}, }, teardown: this.draftTeardown, }; DraftStore._draftSessions = { abc: this.session }; DraftStore._doneWithSession(this.session); }); it('removes from the list of draftSessions', () => { expect(; }); it('Calls teardown on the session', () => { expect(this.draftTeardown).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('mailto handling', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(AppEnv, 'isMainWindow').andReturn(true); }); describe('extensions', () => { beforeEach(() => { ExtensionRegistry.Composer.register(TestExtension); }); afterEach(() => { ExtensionRegistry.Composer.unregister(TestExtension); }); it('should give extensions a chance to customize the draft via ext.prepareNewDraft', () => { waitsForPromise(() => { return DraftStore._onHandleMailtoLink({}, '').then(() => { const received = DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(received.body.indexOf('Edited by TestExtension!')).toBe(0); }); }); }); }); it('should call through to DraftFactory and popout a new draft', () => { const draft = new Message({ headerMessageId: 'A', body: '123' }); spyOn(DraftFactory, 'createDraftForMailto').andReturn(Promise.resolve(draft)); spyOn(DraftStore, '_onPopoutDraft'); waitsForPromise(() => { return DraftStore._onHandleMailtoLink({}, '').then(() => { const received = DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.mostRecentCall.args[0]; expect(received).toEqual(draft); expect(DraftStore._onPopoutDraft).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); describe('mailfiles handling', () => { it('should popout a new draft', () => { const defaultMe = new Contact(); spyOn(DraftStore, '_onPopoutDraft'); spyOn(Account.prototype, 'defaultMe').andReturn(defaultMe); spyOn(Actions, 'addAttachment').andCallFake(({ onCreated }) => onCreated()); DraftStore._onHandleMailFiles({}, ['/Users/ben/file1.png', '/Users/ben/file2.png']); waitsFor(() => DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.callCount > 0); runs(() => { const { body, subject, from } = DatabaseWriter.prototype.persistModel.calls[0].args[0]; expect({ body, subject, from }).toEqual({ body: '', subject: '', from: [defaultMe] }); expect(DraftStore._onPopoutDraft).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('should call addAttachment for each provided file path', () => { spyOn(Actions, 'addAttachment'); DraftStore._onHandleMailFiles({}, ['/Users/ben/file1.png', '/Users/ben/file2.png']); waitsFor(() => Actions.addAttachment.callCount === 2); runs(() => { expect(Actions.addAttachment.calls[0].args[0].filePath).toEqual('/Users/ben/file1.png'); expect(Actions.addAttachment.calls[1].args[0].filePath).toEqual('/Users/ben/file2.png'); }); }); }); });