path = require 'path' _ = require 'underscore' async = require 'async' fs = require 'fs-plus' mkdirp = require 'mkdirp' runas = require 'runas' symlinkCommand = (sourcePath, destinationPath, callback) -> fs.unlink destinationPath, (error) -> if error? and error?.code != 'ENOENT' callback(error) else mkdirp path.dirname(destinationPath), (error) -> if error? callback(error) else fs.symlink sourcePath, destinationPath, callback symlinkCommandWithPrivilegeSync = (sourcePath, destinationPath) -> if runas('/bin/rm', ['-f', destinationPath], admin: true) != 0 throw new Error("Failed to remove '#{destinationPath}'") if runas('/bin/mkdir', ['-p', path.dirname(destinationPath)], admin: true) != 0 throw new Error("Failed to create directory '#{destinationPath}'") if runas('/bin/ln', ['-s', sourcePath, destinationPath], admin: true) != 0 throw new Error("Failed to symlink '#{sourcePath}' to '#{destinationPath}'") module.exports = getInstallDirectory: -> "/usr/local/bin" installShellCommandsInteractively: -> showErrorDialog = (error) -> NylasEnv.confirm message: "Failed to install shell commands" detailedMessage: error.message resourcePath = NylasEnv.getLoadSettings().resourcePath @installN1Command resourcePath, true, (error) => if error? showErrorDialog(error) else @installApmCommand resourcePath, true, (error) -> if error? showErrorDialog(error) else NylasEnv.confirm message: "Commands installed." detailedMessage: "The shell commands `n1` and `apm` are installed." installN1Command: (resourcePath, askForPrivilege, callback) -> commandPath = path.join(resourcePath, '') @createSymlink commandPath, askForPrivilege, callback installApmCommand: (resourcePath, askForPrivilege, callback) -> commandPath = path.join(resourcePath, 'apm', 'node_modules', '.bin', 'apm') @createSymlink commandPath, askForPrivilege, callback createSymlink: (commandPath, askForPrivilege, callback) -> return unless process.platform is 'darwin' commandName = path.basename(commandPath, path.extname(commandPath)) destinationPath = path.join(@getInstallDirectory(), commandName) fs.readlink destinationPath, (error, realpath) -> if realpath is commandPath callback() return symlinkCommand commandPath, destinationPath, (error) -> if askForPrivilege and error?.code is 'EACCES' try error = null symlinkCommandWithPrivilegeSync(commandPath, destinationPath) catch error callback?(error)