{Utils, React, Actions} = require 'nylas-exports' PGPKeyStore = require './pgp-key-store' KeybaseSearch = require './keybase-search' KeybaseUser = require './keybase-user' kb = require './keybase' _ = require 'underscore' module.exports = class ModalKeyRecommender extends React.Component @displayName: 'ModalKeyRecommender' @propTypes: contacts: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired emails: React.PropTypes.array callback: React.PropTypes.function @defaultProps: callback: -> return # NOP constructor: (props) -> super(props) @state = Object.assign({ currentContact: 0}, @_getStateFromStores()) componentDidMount: -> @unlistenKeystore = PGPKeyStore.listen(@_onKeystoreChange) componentWillUnmount: -> @unlistenKeystore() _onKeystoreChange: => @setState(@_getStateFromStores()) _getStateFromStores: => identities: PGPKeyStore.pubKeys(@props.emails) _selectProfile: (address, identity) => # TODO this is an almost exact duplicate of keybase-search.cjsx:_save keybaseUsername = identity.keybase_profile.components.username.val identity.addresses.push(address) kb.getKey(keybaseUsername, (error, key) => if error console.error error else PGPKeyStore.saveNewKey(identity, key) ) _onNext: => # NOTE: this doesn't do bounds checks! you must do that in render()! @setState({currentContact: @state.currentContact + 1}) _onPrev: => # NOTE: this doesn't do bounds checks! you must do that in render()! @setState({currentContact: @state.currentContact - 1}) _setPage: (page) => # NOTE: this doesn't do bounds checks! you must do that in render()! @setState({currentContact: page}) # indexes from 0 because what kind of monster doesn't _onDone: => if @state.identities.length < @props.emails.length if !PGPKeyStore._displayDialog( 'Encrypt without keys for all recipients?', 'Some recipients are missing PGP public keys. They will not be able to decrypt this message.', ['Encrypt', 'Cancel'] ) return Actions.closePopover() @props.callback(@state.identities) _onManageKeys: => Actions.switchPreferencesTab('Encryption') Actions.openPreferences() render: -> # find the email we're dealing with now email = @props.emails[@state.currentContact] # and a corresponding contact contact = _.findWhere(@props.contacts, {'email': email}) contactString = if contact? then contact.toString() else email # find the identity object that goes with this email (if any) identity = _.find(@state.identities, (identity) -> return email in identity.addresses ) if @state.currentContact == (@props.emails.length - 1) # last one if @props.emails.length == 1 # only one backButton = false else backButton = nextButton = else if @state.currentContact == 0 # first one backButton = false nextButton = else # somewhere in the middle backButton = nextButton = if identity? deleteButton = ( ) body = [