/* eslint no-useless-escape: 0 */ const mimelib = require('mimelib'); const encoding = require('encoding'); const he = require('he'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); const {Errors: {APIError}} = require('isomorphic-core'); const {N1CloudAPI, RegExpUtils, Utils} = require('nylas-exports'); // Aiming for the former in length, but the latter is the hard db cutoff const SNIPPET_SIZE = 100; const SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE = 255; // Format of input: ['a@example.com, B ', 'c@example.com'], // where each element of the array is the unparsed contents of a single // element of the same header field. (It's totally valid to have multiple // From/To/etc. headers on the same email.) function parseContacts(input) { if (!input || input.length === 0 || !input[0]) { return []; } let contacts = []; for (const headerLine of input) { const values = mimelib.parseAddresses(headerLine); if (!values || values.length === 0) { continue; } contacts = contacts.concat(values.map(v => { if (!v || v.length === 0) { return null } const {name, address: email} = v; return {name, email}; }) .filter(c => c != null)) } return contacts; } function parseSnippet(body) { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(body, 'text/html') const skipTags = new Set(['TITLE', 'SCRIPT', 'STYLE', 'IMG']); const noSpaceTags = new Set(['B', 'I', 'STRONG', 'EM', 'SPAN']); const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(doc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, (node) => { if (skipTags.has(node.tagName)) { // skip this node and all its children return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { const nodeValue = node.nodeValue ? node.nodeValue.trim() : null; if (nodeValue) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; }); let extractedText = ""; let lastNodeTag = ""; while (treeWalker.nextNode()) { if (treeWalker.currentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { lastNodeTag = treeWalker.currentNode.nodeName; } else { if (extractedText && !noSpaceTags.has(lastNodeTag)) { extractedText += " "; } extractedText += treeWalker.currentNode.nodeValue; if (extractedText.length > SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE) { break; } } } const snippetText = extractedText.trim(); // clean up and trim snippet let trimmed = snippetText.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ' ').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ').substr(0, SNIPPET_MAX_SIZE); if (trimmed) { // TODO: strip quoted text from snippets also // trim down to approx. SNIPPET_SIZE w/out cutting off words right in the // middle (if possible) const wordBreak = trimmed.indexOf(' ', SNIPPET_SIZE); if (wordBreak !== -1) { trimmed = trimmed.substr(0, wordBreak); } } return trimmed; } // In goes arrays of text, out comes arrays of RFC2822 Message-Ids. Luckily, // these days most all text in In-Reply-To, Message-Id, and References headers // actually conforms to the spec. function parseReferences(input) { if (!input || !input.length || !input[0]) { return []; } const references = new Set(); for (const headerLine of input) { for (const ref of headerLine.split(/\s+/)) { if (/^<.*>$/.test(ref)) { references.add(ref); } } } return Array.from(references); } function htmlifyPlaintext(text) { const escapedText = he.escape(text); return `
`; } function replaceMessageIdInBodyTrackingLinks(messageId, originalBody) { const regex = new RegExp(`(${N1CloudAPI.APIRoot}.+?)MESSAGE_ID`, 'g') return originalBody.replace(regex, `$1${messageId}`) } function stripTrackingLinksFromBody(originalBody) { let body = originalBody.replace(//g, () => { return ""; }); body = body.replace(RegExpUtils.urlLinkTagRegex(), (match, prefix, url, suffix, content, closingTag) => { const param = url.split("?")[1]; if (param) { const link = decodeURIComponent(param.split("=")[1]); return `${prefix}${link}${suffix}${content}${closingTag}`; } return match; }); return body; } function buildTrackingBodyForRecipient({baseMessage, recipient, usesOpenTracking, usesLinkTracking} = {}) { const {id: messageId, body} = baseMessage const encodedEmail = btoa(recipient.email) .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_'); let customBody = body if (usesOpenTracking) { customBody = customBody.replace(//g, (match, url) => { return ``; }); } if (usesLinkTracking) { customBody = customBody.replace(RegExpUtils.urlLinkTagRegex(), (match, prefix, url, suffix, content, closingTag) => { return `${prefix}${url}&r=${encodedEmail}${suffix}${content}${closingTag}`; }); } return replaceMessageIdInBodyTrackingLinks(messageId, customBody); } function getReplyHeaders(messageReplyingTo) { let inReplyTo; let references; if (messageReplyingTo.headerMessageId) { inReplyTo = messageReplyingTo.headerMessageId; if (messageReplyingTo.references) { const refById = {}; for (const ref of messageReplyingTo.references) { refById[ref.id] = ref; } references = []; for (const referenceId of messageReplyingTo.referencesOrder) { references.push(refById[referenceId].rfc2822MessageId); } if (!references.includes(messageReplyingTo.headerMessageId)) { references.push(messageReplyingTo.headerMessageId); } } else { references = [messageReplyingTo.headerMessageId]; } } return {inReplyTo, references} } function bodyFromParts(imapMessage, desiredParts) { let body = ''; for (const {id, mimeType, transferEncoding, charset} of desiredParts) { let decoded = ''; // see https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1341/5_Content-Transfer-Encoding.html if ((/quot(ed)?[-/]print(ed|able)?/gi).test(transferEncoding)) { decoded = mimelib.decodeQuotedPrintable(imapMessage.parts[id], charset); } else if ((/base64/gi).test(transferEncoding)) { decoded = mimelib.decodeBase64(imapMessage.parts[id], charset); } else { // Treat this as having no encoding and decode based only on the charset // // According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045#section-5.2, // this should default to ascii; however, if we don't get a charset, // it's possible clients (like nodemailer) encoded the data as utf-8 // anyway. Since ascii is a strict subset of utf-8, it's safer to // try and decode as utf-8 if we don't have the charset. // // (This applies to decoding quoted-printable and base64 as well. The // mimelib library, if charset is null, will default to utf-8) // decoded = encoding.convert(imapMessage.parts[id], 'utf-8', charset).toString('utf-8'); } // desiredParts are in order of the MIME tree walk, e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 2..., // and for multipart/alternative arrays, we have already pulled out the // highest fidelity part (generally HTML). // // Therefore, the correct way to display multiple parts is to simply // concatenate later ones with the body of the previous MIME parts. // // This may seem kind of weird, but some MUAs _do_ send out whack stuff // like an HTML body followed by a plaintext footer. if (mimeType === 'text/plain') { body += htmlifyPlaintext(decoded); } else { body += decoded; } } // sometimes decoding results in a NUL-terminated body string, which makes // SQLite blow up with an 'unrecognized token' error body = body.replace(/\0/g, ''); return body; } // Since we only fetch the MIME structure and specific desired MIME parts from // IMAP, we unfortunately can't use an existing library like mailparser to parse // the message, and have to do fun stuff like deal with character sets and // content-transfer-encodings ourselves. async function parseFromImap(imapMessage, desiredParts, {db, accountId, folder}) { const {Message, Label} = db; const {attributes} = imapMessage; // this key name can change depending on which subset of headers we're downloading, // so to prevent having to update this code every time we change the set, // dynamically look up the key instead const headerKey = Object.keys(imapMessage.parts).filter(k => k.startsWith('HEADER'))[0] const headers = imapMessage.parts[headerKey].toString('ascii') const parsedHeaders = mimelib.parseHeaders(headers); for (const key of ['x-gm-thrid', 'x-gm-msgid', 'x-gm-labels']) { parsedHeaders[key] = attributes[key]; } const parsedMessage = { to: parseContacts(parsedHeaders.to), cc: parseContacts(parsedHeaders.cc), bcc: parseContacts(parsedHeaders.bcc), from: parseContacts(parsedHeaders.from), replyTo: parseContacts(parsedHeaders['reply-to']), accountId: accountId, body: bodyFromParts(imapMessage, desiredParts), snippet: null, unread: !attributes.flags.includes('\\Seen'), starred: attributes.flags.includes('\\Flagged'), // We prefer the date from the message headers because the date is one of // the fields we use for generating unique message IDs, and the server // INTERNALDATE, `attributes.date`, may differ across accounts for the same // message. If the Date header is not included in the message, we fall // back to the INTERNALDATE and it's possible we'll generate different IDs // for the same message delivered to different accounts (which is better // than having message ID collisions for different messages, which could // happen if we did not include the date). date: parsedHeaders.date ? parsedHeaders.date[0] : imapMessage.attributes.date, folderImapUID: attributes.uid, folderId: folder.id, folder: null, labels: [], headerMessageId: parseReferences(parsedHeaders['message-id'])[0], // References are not saved on the message model itself, but are later // converted to associated Reference objects so we can index them. Since we // don't do tree threading, we don't need to care about In-Reply-To // separately, and can simply associate them all in the same way. // Generally, References already contains the Message-IDs in In-Reply-To, // but we concat and dedupe just in case. references: parseReferences((parsedHeaders.references || []).concat( (parsedHeaders['in-reply-to'] || []), (parsedHeaders['message-id'] || []))), gMsgId: parsedHeaders['x-gm-msgid'], gThrId: parsedHeaders['x-gm-thrid'], subject: parsedHeaders.subject ? parsedHeaders.subject[0] : '(no subject)', } // Inversely to `buildForSend`, we leave the date header as it is so that the // format is consistent for the generative IDs, then convert it to a Date object parsedMessage.id = Message.hash(parsedMessage) parsedMessage.date = new Date(Date.parse(parsedMessage.date)) parsedMessage.snippet = parseSnippet(parsedMessage.body); parsedMessage.folder = folder; const xGmLabels = attributes['x-gm-labels'] if (xGmLabels) { parsedMessage.folderImapXGMLabels = JSON.stringify(xGmLabels) parsedMessage.labels = await Label.findXGMLabels(xGmLabels) } if (process.env.NYLAS_DEBUG) { const outJSON = JSON.stringify({imapMessage, desiredParts, result: parsedMessage}); const outDir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "k2-parse-output", folder.name) const outFile = path.join(outDir, imapMessage.attributes.uid.toString()); mkdirp.sync(outDir); fs.writeFileSync(outFile, outJSON); } return parsedMessage; } async function buildForSend(db, json) { const {Thread, Message, Reference} = db let replyToThread; let replyToMessage; if (json.thread_id != null) { replyToThread = await Thread.find({ where: {id: json.thread_id}, include: [{ model: Message, as: 'messages', attributes: ['id'], }], }); } if (json.reply_to_message_id != null) { replyToMessage = await Message.findById(json.reply_to_message_id, { include: [{model: Reference, as: 'references', attributes: ['id', 'rfc2822MessageId']}] }); } if (replyToThread && replyToMessage) { if (!replyToThread.messages.find((msg) => msg.id === replyToMessage.id)) { throw new APIError(`Message ${replyToMessage.id} is not in thread ${replyToThread.id}`, 400) } } let thread; let replyHeaders = {}; let inReplyToLocalMessageId; if (replyToMessage) { inReplyToLocalMessageId = replyToMessage.id; replyHeaders = getReplyHeaders(replyToMessage); thread = await replyToMessage.getThread(); } else if (replyToThread) { thread = replyToThread; const previousMessages = thread.messages.filter(msg => !msg.isDraft); if (previousMessages.length > 0) { const lastMessage = previousMessages[previousMessages.length - 1] inReplyToLocalMessageId = lastMessage.id; replyHeaders = getReplyHeaders(lastMessage); } } const {inReplyTo, references} = replyHeaders const date = new Date() const message = { accountId: json.account_id, threadId: thread ? thread.id : null, headerMessageId: Message.buildHeaderMessageId(json.client_id), from: json.from, to: json.to, cc: json.cc, bcc: json.bcc, replyTo: json.reply_to, subject: json.subject, body: json.body, unread: false, isDraft: json.draft, isSent: false, version: 0, date: date, inReplyToLocalMessageId: inReplyToLocalMessageId, uploads: json.uploads, } // We have to clone the message and change the date for hashing because the // date we get later when we parse from IMAP is a different format, per the // nodemailer buildmail function that gives us the raw message and replaces // the date header with this modified UTC string // https://github.com/nodemailer/buildmail/blob/master/lib/buildmail.js#L470 const messageForHashing = Utils.deepClone(message) messageForHashing.date = date.toUTCString().replace(/GMT/, '+0000') message.id = Message.hash(messageForHashing) message.body = replaceMessageIdInBodyTrackingLinks(message.id, message.body) const instance = Message.build(message) // we don't store these fields in the db, so if we set them on `message` // beforehand Message.build() would drop them---this is just a convenience instance.inReplyTo = inReplyTo; instance.references = references; return instance; } module.exports = { buildForSend, getReplyHeaders, parseFromImap, parseSnippet, parseContacts, stripTrackingLinksFromBody, buildTrackingBodyForRecipient, replaceMessageIdInBodyTrackingLinks, }