import _ from 'underscore'; import { Actions, Thread, Message, NylasAPIHelpers, DatabaseStore, MailRulesProcessor, } from 'nylas-exports'; /** * This injests deltas from multiple sources. One is from local-sync, the * other is from n1-cloud. Both sources use * isomorphic-core/src/delta-stream-builder to generate the delta stream. * * In both cases we are given the JSON serialized form of a `Transaction` * model. An example Thread delta would look like: * * modelDelta = { * id: 518, * event: "modify", * object: "thread", * objectId: 2887, * changedFields: ["subject", "unread"], * attributes: { * id: 2887, * object: 'thread', * account_id: 2, * subject: "Hello World", * unread: true, * ... * } * } * * An example Metadata delta would look like: * * metadataDelta = { * id: 519, * event: "create", * object: "metadata", * objectId: 8876, * changedFields: ["version", "object"], * attributes: { * id: 8876, * value: {link_clicks: 1}, * object: "metadata", * version: 2, * plugin_id: "link-tracking", * object_id: 2887, * object_type: "thread" * account_id: 2, * } * } * * The `object` may be "thread", "message", "metadata", or any other model * type we support */ class DeltaProcessor { constructor() { this.activationTime = } async process(rawDeltas = []) { try { const deltas = await this._decorateDeltas(rawDeltas); Actions.longPollReceivedRawDeltas(deltas); const { modelDeltas, accountDeltas, metadataDeltas, } = this._extractDeltaTypes(deltas); this._handleAccountDeltas(accountDeltas); const models = await this._saveModels(modelDeltas); await this._saveMetadata(metadataDeltas); await this._notifyOfNewMessages(models.created); this._notifyOfSyncbackRequestDeltas(models) } catch (err) { console.error(rawDeltas) console.error("DeltaProcessor: Process failed.", err) NylasEnv.reportError(err); } finally { Actions.longPollProcessedDeltas() } } /** * Create a (non-enumerable) reference from the attributes which we * carry forward back to their original deltas. This allows us to * mark the deltas that the app ignores later in the process. */ _decorateDeltas(rawDeltas) { rawDeltas.forEach((delta) => { if (!delta.attributes) return; Object.defineProperty(delta.attributes, '_delta', { get() { return delta; }, }); }) return rawDeltas } _extractDeltaTypes(rawDeltas) { const modelDeltas = [] const accountDeltas = [] const metadataDeltas = [] rawDeltas.forEach((delta) => { if (delta.object === "metadata") { metadataDeltas.push(delta) } else if (delta.object === "account") { accountDeltas.push(delta) } else { modelDeltas.push(delta) } }) return {modelDeltas, metadataDeltas, accountDeltas} } _handleAccountDeltas = (accountDeltas) => { const {modify} = this._clusterDeltas(accountDeltas); if (!modify.account) return; for (const accountJSON of _.values(modify.account)) { Actions.updateAccount(accountJSON.account_id, {syncState: accountJSON.sync_state}); if (accountJSON.sync_state !== "running") { Actions.recordUserEvent('Account Sync Errored', { accountId: accountJSON.account_id, syncState: accountJSON.sync_state, }); } } } _notifyOfSyncbackRequestDeltas({created, updated} = {}) { const createdRequests = created.syncbackRequest || [] const updatedRequests = updated.syncbackRequest || [] const syncbackRequests = createdRequests.concat(updatedRequests) if (syncbackRequests.length === 0) { return } Actions.didReceiveSyncbackRequestDeltas(syncbackRequests) } async _saveModels(modelDeltas) { const {create, modify, destroy} = this._clusterDeltas(modelDeltas); const created = await Promise.props(_.mapObject(create, (val) => NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(_.values(val)) )) const updated = await Promise.props(_.mapObject(modify, (val) => NylasAPIHelpers.handleModelResponse(_.values(val)) )); await, this._handleDestroyDelta); return {created, updated}; } async _saveMetadata(deltas) { const all = {}; for (const delta of deltas.filter(d => d.event === 'create')) { all[delta.attributes.object_id] = delta.attributes; } for (const delta of deltas.filter(d => d.event === 'modify')) { all[delta.attributes.object_id] = delta.attributes; } const allByObjectType = _.groupBy(_.values(all), "object_type") return, (objType) => { const jsons = allByObjectType[objType] const klass = NylasAPIHelpers.apiObjectToClassMap[objType]; const objectIds = => j.object_id) return DatabaseStore.inTransaction((t) => { return this._findModelsForMetadata(t, klass, objectIds).then((modelsByObjectId) => { const models = []; Object.keys(modelsByObjectId).forEach((objectId) => { const model = modelsByObjectId[objectId]; const metadataJSON = all[objectId]; const modelWithMetadata = model.applyPluginMetadata(metadataJSON.plugin_id, metadataJSON.value); const localMetadatum = modelWithMetadata.metadataObjectForPluginId(metadataJSON.plugin_id); localMetadatum.version = metadataJSON.version; models.push(model); }) return t.persistModels(models) }); }); }) } /** @param ids An array of metadata object_ids @returns A map of the object_ids to models in the database, resolving the IDs as necessary. Must be a hashmap because the metadata object_ids may not actually be present in the resulting models. */ _findModelsForMetadata(t, klass, ids) { if (klass === Thread) { // go through the Message table first, since local Thread IDs may be // the (static) ID of any Message in the thread // We prepend 't:' to thread IDs to avoid global object ID conflicts const messageIds = => i.slice(2)) return t.findAll(Message, {id: messageIds}).then((messages) => { if (messages.length !== messageIds.length) { throw new Error(`Didn't find message for each thread. Thread IDs from remote: ${ids}`); } const threadIds = => m.threadId); return t.findAll(Thread, {id: threadIds}).then((threads) => { const map = {}; for (const thread of threads) { const pluginObjectId = ids[threadIds.indexOf(]; map[pluginObjectId] = thread; } return map; }); }); } return t.findAll(klass, {id: ids}).then((models) => { const map = {}; for (const model of models) { const pluginObjectId =; map[pluginObjectId] = model; } return map; }); } /** * Group deltas by object type so we can mutate the cache efficiently. * NOTE: This code must not just accumulate creates, modifies and * destroys but also de-dupe them. We cannot call * "persistModels(itemA, itemA, itemB)" or it will throw an exception */ _clusterDeltas(deltas) { const create = {}; const modify = {}; const destroy = []; for (const delta of deltas) { if (delta.event === 'create') { if (!create[delta.object]) { create[delta.object] = {}; } create[delta.object][] = delta.attributes; } else if (delta.event === 'modify') { if (!modify[delta.object]) { modify[delta.object] = {}; } modify[delta.object][] = delta.attributes; } else if (delta.event === 'delete') { destroy.push(delta); } } return {create, modify, destroy}; } async _notifyOfNewMessages(created) { const incomingMessages = created.message || []; // Filter for new messages that are not sent by the current user const newUnread = incomingMessages.filter((msg) => { const isUnread = msg.unread === true; const isNew = && >= this.activationTime; const isFromMe = msg.isFromMe(); return isUnread && isNew && !isFromMe; }); if (newUnread.length === 0) { return; } try { await MailRulesProcessor.processMessages(created.message || []) } catch (err) { console.error("DeltaProcessor: Running mail rules on incoming mail failed.") } Actions.onNewMailDeltas(created) } _handleDestroyDelta(delta) { const klass = NylasAPIHelpers.apiObjectToClassMap[delta.object]; if (!klass) { return Promise.resolve(); } return DatabaseStore.inTransaction(t => { return t.find(klass, delta.objectId).then((model) => { if (!model) { return Promise.resolve(); } return t.unpersistModel(model); }); }); } } export default new DeltaProcessor()