Reflux = require 'reflux' _ = require 'underscore-plus' {DatabaseStore, DraftStore, Actions, Message} = require 'nylas-exports' path = require 'path' fs = require 'fs-plus' TemplateStore = Reflux.createStore init: -> @_setStoreDefaults() @_registerListeners() @_templatesDir = path.join(atom.getConfigDirPath(), 'templates') # I know this is a bit of pain but don't do anything that # could possibly slow down app launch fs.exists @_templatesDir, (exists) => if exists @_populate() @_templatesDir, => @_populate() else fs.mkdir @_templatesDir, => @_templatesDir, => @_populate() ########### PUBLIC ##################################################### items: -> @_items templatesDirectory: -> @_templatesDir ########### PRIVATE #################################################### _setStoreDefaults: -> @_items = [] _registerListeners: -> @listenTo Actions.insertTemplateId, @_onInsertTemplateId @listenTo Actions.createTemplate, @_onCreateTemplate @listenTo Actions.showTemplates, @_onShowTemplates _populate: -> fs.readdir @_templatesDir, (err, filenames) => @_items = [] for filename in filenames continue if filename[0] is '.' displayname = path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) @_items.push id: filename, name: displayname, path: path.join(@_templatesDir, filename) @trigger(@) _onCreateTemplate: ({draftLocalId, name, contents} = {}) -> if draftLocalId DraftStore.sessionForLocalId(draftLocalId).then (session) => draft = session.draft() name ?= draft.subject contents ?= draft.body @_writeTemplate(name, contents) else @_writeTemplate(name, contents) _onShowTemplates: -> # show in finder how? shell = require 'shell' shell.showItemInFolder(@_items[0]?.path || @_templatesDir) _writeTemplate: (name, contents) -> throw new Error("You must provide a template name") unless name throw new Error("You must provide template contents") unless contents filename = "#{name}.html" templatePath = path.join(@_templatesDir, filename) fs.writeFile templatePath, contents, (err) => @_items.push id: filename, name: name, path: templatePath @trigger(@) _onInsertTemplateId: ({templateId, draftLocalId} = {}) -> template = _.find @_items, (item) -> is templateId return unless template fs.readFile template.path, (err, data) -> body = data.toString() DraftStore.sessionForLocalId(draftLocalId).then (session) -> session.changes.add(body: body) module.exports = TemplateStore