React = require 'react' classNames = require 'classnames' _ = require 'underscore' EmailFrame = require './email-frame' MessageParticipants = require "./message-participants" MessageTimestamp = require "./message-timestamp" MessageControls = require './message-controls' {Utils, Actions, MessageUtils, NamespaceStore, MessageStore, QuotedHTMLParser, ComponentRegistry, FileDownloadStore} = require 'nylas-exports' {RetinaImg, InjectedComponentSet, InjectedComponent} = require 'nylas-component-kit' TransparentPixel = "" MessageBodyWidth = 740 class MessageItem extends React.Component @displayName = 'MessageItem' @propTypes = thread: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired message: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired collapsed: React.PropTypes.bool constructor: (@props) -> @state = # Holds the downloadData (if any) for all of our files. It's a hash # keyed by a fileId. The value is the downloadData. downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadDataForFiles(@props.message.fileIds()) showQuotedText: @_isForwardedMessage() detailedHeaders: false componentDidMount: => @_storeUnlisten = FileDownloadStore.listen(@_onDownloadStoreChange) componentWillUnmount: => @_storeUnlisten() if @_storeUnlisten shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) => not Utils.isEqualReact(nextProps, @props) or not Utils.isEqualReact(nextState, @state) render: => if @props.collapsed @_renderCollapsed() else @_renderFull() _renderCollapsed: => attachmentIcon = [] if @props.message.files.length > 0 attachmentIcon =
_renderFull: =>
{@_renderHeader()} {@_formatBody()} {@_renderEvents()} {@_renderAttachments()}
_renderHeader: => classes = classNames "message-header": true "pending": @props.pending
{@_renderFolder()} {@_renderHeaderDetailToggle()}
_renderMessageControls: -> _renderFolder: => return [] unless @state.detailedHeaders and @props.message.folder
_onClickParticipants: (e) => el = while el isnt e.currentTarget if "collapsed-participants" in el.classList @setState(detailedHeaders: true) e.stopPropagation() return el = el.parentElement return _onClickHeader: (e) => return if @state.detailedHeaders el = while el isnt e.currentTarget wl = ["message-header-right", "collapsed-participants", "header-toggle-control"] if "message-header-right" in el.classList then return if "collapsed-participants" in el.classList then return el = el.parentElement @_toggleCollapsed() _renderAttachments: => attachments = @_attachmentComponents() if attachments.length > 0
_renderEvents: => events = @_eventComponents() if events.length > 0 and not Utils.looksLikeGmailInvite(@props.message)
_quotedTextClasses: => classNames "quoted-text-control": true 'no-quoted-text': not QuotedHTMLParser.hasQuotedHTML(@props.message.body) 'show-quoted-text': @state.showQuotedText _renderHeaderSideItems: -> styles = position: "absolute" marginTop: -2
_renderHeaderDetailToggle: => return null if @props.pending if @state.detailedHeaders
@setState(detailedHeaders: false); e.stopPropagation()}>
@setState(detailedHeaders: true); e.stopPropagation()}>
# Eventually, _formatBody will run a series of registered body transformers. # For now, it just runs a few we've hardcoded here, which are all synchronous. _formatBody: => return "" unless @props.message and @props.message.body # Give each extension the message object to process the body, but don't # allow them to modify anything but the body for the time being. body = @props.message.body for extension in MessageStore.extensions() continue unless extension.formatMessageBody virtual = @props.message.clone() virtual.body = body extension.formatMessageBody(virtual) body = virtual.body # Find inline images and give them a calculated CSS height based on # html width and height, when available. This means nothing changes size # as the image is loaded, and we can estimate final height correctly. # Note that MessageBodyWidth must be updated if the UI is changed! while (result = MessageUtils.cidRegex.exec(body)) isnt null imgstart = body.lastIndexOf('<', result.index) imgend = body.indexOf('/>', result.index) if imgstart != -1 and imgend > imgstart imgtag = body.substr(imgstart, imgend - imgstart) width = imgtag.match(/width[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1] height = imgtag.match(/height[ ]?=[ ]?['"]?(\d*)['"]?/)?[1] if width and height scale = Math.min(1, MessageBodyWidth / width) style = " style=\"height:#{height * scale}px;\" " body = body.substr(0, imgend) + style + body.substr(imgend) # Replace cid:// references with the paths to downloaded files for file in @props.message.files continue if @state.downloads[] cidLink = "cid:#{file.contentId}" fileLink = "#{FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file)}" body = body.replace(cidLink, fileLink) # Replace remaining cid:// references - we will not display them since they'll # throw "unknown ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME". Show a transparent pixel so that there's # no "missing image" region shown, just a space. body = body.replace(MessageUtils.cidRegex, "src=\"#{TransparentPixel}\"") body _toggleQuotedText: => @setState showQuotedText: !@state.showQuotedText _toggleCollapsed: => return if @props.isLastMsg Actions.toggleMessageIdExpanded( _formatContacts: (contacts=[]) => _attachmentComponents: => imageAttachments = [] otherAttachments = [] for file in (@props.message.files ? []) continue unless @_isRealFile(file) if Utils.looksLikeImage(file) imageAttachments.push(file) else otherAttachments.push(file) otherAttachments = (file) => imageAttachments = (file) => props = file: file download: @state.downloads[] targetPath: FileDownloadStore.pathForFile(file) return otherAttachments.concat(imageAttachments) _eventComponents: => events = (e) => return events _isRealFile: (file) -> hasCIDInBody = file.contentId? and @props.message.body?.indexOf(file.contentId) > 0 return not hasCIDInBody _isForwardedMessage: => Utils.isForwardedMessage(@props.message) _onDownloadStoreChange: => @setState downloads: FileDownloadStore.downloadDataForFiles(@props.message.fileIds()) module.exports = MessageItem