import _ from 'underscore'; import { Actions, Thread, DatabaseStore, SearchQueryParser, ComponentRegistry, MutableQuerySubscription, } from 'mailspring-exports'; class SearchQuerySubscription extends MutableQuerySubscription { _searchQuery: string; _accountIds: string[]; _connections = []; _extDisposables = []; _searching = false; constructor(searchQuery, accountIds) { super(null, { emitResultSet: true }); this._searchQuery = searchQuery; this._accountIds = accountIds; _.defer(() => this.performSearch()); } replaceRange = () => { // TODO }; performSearch() { this._searching = true; this.performLocalSearch(); this.performExtensionSearch(); } performLocalSearch() { let dbQuery = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread); if (this._accountIds.length === 1) { dbQuery = dbQuery.where({ accountId: this._accountIds[0] }); } try { const parsedQuery = SearchQueryParser.parse(this._searchQuery); dbQuery = dbQuery.structuredSearch(parsedQuery); } catch (e) {'Failed to parse local search query, falling back to generic query', e); dbQuery =; } dbQuery = dbQuery .background() .order(Thread.attributes.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp.descending()) .limit(1000); this.replaceQuery(dbQuery); } _createResultAndTrigger() { super._createResultAndTrigger(); if (this._searching) { this._searching = false; Actions.searchCompleted(); } } _addThreadIdsToSearch(ids = []) { const currentResults = this._set && this._set.ids().length > 0; let searchIds = ids; if (currentResults) { const currentResultIds = this._set.ids(); searchIds = _.uniq(currentResultIds.concat(ids)); } const dbQuery = DatabaseStore.findAll(Thread) .where({ id: searchIds }) .order(Thread.attributes.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp.descending()); this.replaceQuery(dbQuery); } performRemoteSearch() { // TODO: Perform IMAP search here. // // This is temporarily disabled because we support Gmail's // advanced syntax locally (eg: in: inbox, is:unread), and // search message bodies, so local search is pretty much // good enough for v1. Come back and implement this soon! // } performExtensionSearch() { const searchExtensions = ComponentRegistry.findComponentsMatching({ role: 'SearchBarResults', }); this._extDisposables = => { return ext.observeThreadIdsForQuery(this._searchQuery).subscribe((ids = []) => { const allIds = _.compact(_.flatten(ids)); if (allIds.length === 0) return; this._addThreadIdsToSearch(allIds); }); }); } onLastCallbackRemoved() { this._connections.forEach(conn => conn.end()); this._extDisposables.forEach(disposable => disposable.dispose()); } } export default SearchQuerySubscription;