_ = require 'underscore' React = require 'react/addons' {Utils} = require 'nylas-exports' classNames = require 'classnames' class Scrollbar extends React.Component @displayName: 'Scrollbar' @propTypes: scrollTooltipComponent: React.PropTypes.func getScrollRegion: React.PropTypes.func constructor: (@props) -> @state = totalHeight: 0 trackHeight: 0 viewportHeight: 0 viewportScrollTop: 0 dragging: false scrolling: false componentWillUnmount: => @_onHandleUp({preventDefault: -> }) setStateFromScrollRegion: (state) -> @setState(state) render: -> containerClasses = classNames 'scrollbar-track': true 'dragging': @state.dragging 'scrolling': @state.scrolling tooltip = [] if @props.scrollTooltipComponent tooltip = <@props.scrollTooltipComponent viewportCenter={@state.viewportScrollTop + @state.viewportHeight / 2} totalHeight={@state.totalHeight} />
recomputeDimensions: (options = {}) => if @props.getScrollRegion? @props.getScrollRegion()._recomputeDimensions(options) @_recomputeDimensions(options) _recomputeDimensions: ({avoidForcingLayout}) => if not avoidForcingLayout trackNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track) trackHeight = trackNode.clientHeight if trackHeight isnt @state.trackHeight @setState({trackHeight}) _scrollbarHandleStyles: => handleHeight = @_getHandleHeight() handleTop = (@state.viewportScrollTop / (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight)) * (@state.trackHeight - handleHeight) position:'relative' height: handleHeight top: handleTop _scrollbarWrapStyles: => position:'absolute' top: 0 bottom: 0 right: 0 zIndex: 2 _onHandleDown: (event) => handleNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.handle) @_trackOffset = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track).getBoundingClientRect().top @_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = event.pageY - handleNode.getBoundingClientRect().top window.addEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove) window.addEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp) @setState(dragging: true) event.preventDefault() _onHandleMove: (event) => trackY = event.pageY - @_trackOffset - @_mouseOffsetWithinHandle trackPxToViewportPx = (@state.totalHeight - @state.viewportHeight) / (@state.trackHeight - @_getHandleHeight()) @props.getScrollRegion().scrollTop = trackY * trackPxToViewportPx event.preventDefault() _onHandleUp: (event) => window.removeEventListener("mousemove", @_onHandleMove) window.removeEventListener("mouseup", @_onHandleUp) @setState(dragging: false) event.preventDefault() _onHandleClick: (event) => # Avoid event propogating up to track event.stopPropagation() _onScrollJump: (event) => @_trackOffset = React.findDOMNode(@refs.track).getBoundingClientRect().top @_mouseOffsetWithinHandle = @_getHandleHeight() / 2 @_onHandleMove(event) _getHandleHeight: => Math.min(@state.totalHeight, Math.max(40, (@state.trackHeight / @state.totalHeight) * @state.trackHeight)) ### The ScrollRegion component attaches a custom scrollbar. ### class ScrollRegion extends React.Component @displayName: "ScrollRegion" @propTypes: onScroll: React.PropTypes.func onScrollEnd: React.PropTypes.func className: React.PropTypes.string scrollTooltipComponent: React.PropTypes.func children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([React.PropTypes.element, React.PropTypes.array]) getScrollbar: React.PropTypes.func # Concept from https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UITableView_Class/#//apple_ref/c/tdef/UITableViewScrollPosition @ScrollPosition: # Scroll so that the desired region is at the top of the viewport Top: 'Top' # Scroll so that the desired region is at the bottom of the viewport Bottom: 'Bottom' # Scroll so that the desired region is visible in the viewport, with the # least movement possible. Visible: 'Visible' # Scroll so that the desired region is centered in the viewport Center: 'Center' # Scroll so that the desired region is centered in the viewport, only if it # is currently not visible CenterIfInvisible: 'CenterIfInvisible' constructor: (@props) -> @_scrollToTaskId = 0 @_scrollbarComponent = null @state = totalHeight:0 viewportHeight: 0 viewportScrollTop: 0 scrolling: false Object.defineProperty(@, 'scrollTop', { get: -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop set: (val) -> React.findDOMNode(@refs.content).scrollTop = val }) componentDidMount: => @_mounted = true @recomputeDimensions() componentWillReceiveProps: (props) => if @shouldInvalidateScrollbarComponent(props) @_scrollbarComponent = null componentWillUnmount: => @_mounted = false shouldComponentUpdate: (newProps, newState) => # Because this component renders @props.children, it needs to update # on props.children changes. Unfortunately, computing isEqual on the # @props.children tree extremely expensive. Just let React's algorithm do it's work. true shouldInvalidateScrollbarComponent: (newProps) => return true if newProps.scrollTooltipComponent isnt @props.scrollTooltipComponent return true if newProps.getScrollbar isnt @props.getScrollbar return false render: => containerClasses = "#{@props.className ? ''} " + classNames 'scroll-region': true 'dragging': @state.dragging 'scrolling': @state.scrolling if not @props.getScrollbar @_scrollbarComponent ?= otherProps = _.omit(@props, _.keys(@constructor.propTypes))
# Public: Scroll to the DOM Node provided. # scrollTo: (node, {position, settle} = {}) => if node instanceof React.Component node = React.findDOMNode(node) unless node instanceof Node throw new Error("ScrollRegion.scrollTo: requires a DOM node or React element. Maybe you meant scrollToRect?") @_scroll {position, settle}, => node.getBoundingClientRect() # Public: Scroll to the client rectangle provided. Note: This method expects # a ClientRect or similar object with top, left, width, height relative to the # window, not the scroll region. This is designed to make it easy to use with # node.getBoundingClientRect() scrollToRect: (rect, {position, settle} = {}) -> if rect instanceof Node throw new Error("ScrollRegion.scrollToRect: requires a rect. Maybe you meant scrollTo?") if not rect.top or not rect.height throw new Error("ScrollRegion.scrollToRect: requires a rect with `top` and `height` attributes.") @_scroll {position, settle}, => rect _scroll: ({position, settle}, clientRectProviderCallback) -> contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content) position ?= ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Visible if settle is true settleFn = @_settleHeight else settleFn = (callback) -> callback() @_scrollToTaskId += 1 taskId = @_scrollToTaskId settleFn => # If another scroll call has been made since ours, don't do anything. return unless @_scrollToTaskId is taskId contentClientRect = contentNode.getBoundingClientRect() rect = _.clone(clientRectProviderCallback()) # For sanity's sake, convert the client rectangle we get into a rect # relative to the contentRect of our scroll region. rect.top = rect.top - contentClientRect.top + contentNode.scrollTop rect.bottom = rect.bottom - contentClientRect.top + contentNode.scrollTop # Also give ourselves a representation of the visible region, in the same # coordinate space as `rect` contentVisibleRect = _.clone(contentClientRect) contentVisibleRect.top += contentNode.scrollTop contentVisibleRect.bottom += contentNode.scrollTop if position is ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Top @scrollTop = rect.top else if position is ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Bottom @scrollTop = (rect.top + rect.height) - contentClientRect.height else if position is ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Center @scrollTop = rect.top - (contentClientRect.height - rect.height) / 2 else if position is ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.CenterIfInvisible if not Utils.rectVisibleInRect(rect, contentVisibleRect) @scrollTop = rect.top - (contentClientRect.height - rect.height) / 2 else if position is ScrollRegion.ScrollPosition.Visible distanceBelowBottom = (rect.top + rect.height) - (contentClientRect.height + contentNode.scrollTop) distanceAboveTop = @scrollTop - rect.top if distanceBelowBottom >= 0 @scrollTop += distanceBelowBottom else if distanceAboveTop >= 0 @scrollTop -= distanceAboveTop _settleHeight: (callback) => contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content) lastContentHeight = -1 stableCount = 0 scrollIfSettled = => return unless @_mounted contentRect = contentNode.getBoundingClientRect() if contentRect.height isnt lastContentHeight lastContentHeight = contentRect.height stableCount = 0 else stableCount += 1 if stableCount is 5 return callback() window.requestAnimationFrame(scrollIfSettled) scrollIfSettled() recomputeDimensions: (options = {}) => scrollbar = @props.getScrollbar?() ? @refs.scrollbar scrollbar._recomputeDimensions(options) @_recomputeDimensions(options) _recomputeDimensions: ({avoidForcingLayout}) => return unless @refs.content contentNode = React.findDOMNode(@refs.content) viewportScrollTop = contentNode.scrollTop # While we're scrolling, calls to contentNode.scrollHeight / clientHeight # force the browser to immediately flush any DOM changes and compute the # height of the node. This hurts performance and also kind of unnecessary, # since it's unlikely these values will change while scrolling. if avoidForcingLayout totalHeight = @state.totalHeight ? contentNode.scrollHeight trackHeight = @state.trackHeight ? contentNode.scrollHeight viewportHeight = @state.viewportHeight ? contentNode.clientHeight else totalHeight = contentNode.scrollHeight viewportHeight = contentNode.clientHeight if @state.totalHeight != totalHeight or @state.viewportHeight != viewportHeight or @state.viewportScrollTop != viewportScrollTop @_setSharedState({totalHeight, viewportScrollTop, viewportHeight}) _setSharedState: (state) -> scrollbar = @props.getScrollbar?() ? @refs.scrollbar if scrollbar scrollbar.setStateFromScrollRegion(state) @setState(state) _onScroll: (event) => if not @state.scrolling @recomputeDimensions() @_setSharedState(scrolling: true) else @recomputeDimensions({avoidForcingLayout: true}) @props.onScroll?(event) @_onScrollEnd ?= _.debounce => @_setSharedState(scrolling: false) @props.onScrollEnd?(event) , 250 @_onScrollEnd() _getSelf: => @ ScrollRegion.Scrollbar = Scrollbar module.exports = ScrollRegion